Reviews for Fate's Irony
Seth.Smelser chapter 6 . 9/12/2016
Wow I'm surprised he didn't take the escape route that would have gotten her off if him by saying he was gay
pikachucat chapter 12 . 12/11/2013
awesome more please
freakyanimegal chapter 12 . 1/24/2009
I'm not going to flame you, though I might witch about the lateness. This is like one of the only Naruto fics I read anymore, so I'd hate to see it go...:(

Otherwise, I found the omake rather amusing. n.n
Hijokugei chapter 12 . 12/6/2008

Wow, this is EPIC.

You had better update soon.

Note: At this point, a good, long speech from Naruto would be good, much like when he yells at people for not protecting their comerades, etc. or when he confronts Orochimaru in the Chunin Exams. Next, the confrontation between Oki and Sakura, with Sasuke as the Knight in Shining Armor (SasuXSaku moment!). Kyuubi and Naruto kick ass, while Kakashi catches The Villian, beats him to a pulp, then chidori's the remaining thugs' ass.
Dark Inu Fan chapter 12 . 11/21/2008
Yeah, writer's block (more like brick wall), I think almost everybody that I know is having a case currently... it's contagious! UUwwAAh! Yeah, at least you didn't accidently take a year-long break with yours! Keep up the good work, dark
avatarjk137 chapter 12 . 11/21/2008
Good work, although a little short. It's good to see you're finally back.
takuya chapter 12 . 11/21/2008
oh i really liked that chapter i do hope you can update soon
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 12 . 11/20/2008
Short, but not bad. Sorry for the even shorter review.

Writer's block stinks. Gomen.
twilightserius chapter 11 . 10/6/2008
gyah kill the bitch make kyu love naru and make naru smarter please
takuya chapter 11 . 4/9/2008
oh i loved it mega chapter cant wait for more
freakyanimegal chapter 11 . 4/4/2008
AH! Kyuubi got shot! T.T NO!

Update soon, please. n.n
Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet chapter 11 . 3/28/2008
Ah, a very good chapter indeed. I'm wondering why you're taking things from the dolphin's point of view, but I'm finding this very interesting. :D
avatarjk137 chapter 11 . 3/27/2008
Beautiful to see you back. Love the use of guns as a new, foreign weapon shinobi have no idea how to deal with. The bits from the dolphin yokai's pov these last few chapters are a bit weaker compared to the rest of the story, but even those are pretty good. Great work!
Dark Inu Fan chapter 11 . 3/27/2008
Well, at least Sakura know that her new friend isn’t who Sakura though she was. At least some of the dolphins were freed, so that’s good. Keep up the good work, dark
takuya chapter 10 . 3/24/2008
oh i liked that update plz
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