Reviews for Saturday
A Musing Brunette chapter 1 . 1/26/2017
This is so damn fluffy I could dieeeeeee! *sigh* :-D
wajagirlliz chapter 1 . 5/25/2014
AWWWWW! YAY! Adorable. Love Mori and Haruhi pairing. :)
kaji13 chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
I looove this side of Mori! So great!
cutecumbers chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
Thanks to this freaking kawaii ass peice of writing I now ship MoriHaru. Okay.
rhetoricfemme chapter 1 . 8/29/2012
Incredibly sweet, I love it! Thanks for sharing. :)
DarkFlameInfernal chapter 1 . 5/23/2012
love it
KitKatTicTac chapter 1 . 3/31/2012
I love this sooooo much! You are truly amazing. Like seriously. Thanks for sharing!
Professor A. Silvertree chapter 1 . 10/11/2011
Just wanted to thank-you for the kind review, and review in kind. This pairing is actually one of my guilty pleasure, well, anything with Mori is, come to think of it. But especially with him and Haruhi. They're both calm and level headed. (or in Mori's case, more so than the rest of the host club) And I think he and Kyoya are the only two Haruhi's dad would trust to actually take care of her. Can you actually picture Tamaki doing anything to actually help? Me neither.


Professor A. Silvertree
TheDarkestDaisy chapter 1 . 8/29/2011
where is the love button when you need one?
Coriana chapter 1 . 8/28/2011
Hehe, cute. .

Aryenne chapter 1 . 6/27/2011
ambellina447 chapter 1 . 2/13/2011
Aaawww... I love the fourth paragraph. And the rest of the story, of course.
misaki-chan-usui chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
Oh my gosh! Another awesome story! Yesss! Oh my goodness, you write in such a talented way! Yeah, I know you are a much wiser and older person than an 11 year old like me, but still, you are the MASTER! I can't stop reading your stories! I'm glad you like MoriXHaruhi. I think Tamaki is cute...But not Haruhi's type. Someone who is sincere and determined about his feelings and duties is perfect for her. Which is Moir-sempai. Yes, I know the correct way is senpai but...Sempai is much cuter. LOL, I sound like "honey/hunny"-sempai. He's a lot older than me though. How...Interesting how he's a senior and a kendo master. Or was it something else? I think Kendo was for Mori-sempai.

Oops. Hey, you should meet TeaForRevenge.

I think that's what her pen name was. You should take a look at her story called "Talkative". It's very nice. Just so many wonderful stories out there, that I can read. Anyway, VERY VERY nice job and I hope you continue to write astounding fanfics!
Triste1 chapter 1 . 7/18/2010
How sweet! I've always had a soft spot for Mori/Haruhi fics, simply because I've always like Morinosuke. He's such an amusing character in his understated manner, and I've always believed there could be more depth to him than what the manga and anime usually shows. You did wonderfully here at putting your own little twist to his personality. As calculating as Kyouya indeed. Now there's a thought, a rather scary one actually when one gets down to it. He's such a background sort of character that he could probably conquer the world by Friday without much fuss and no one would know until it's done and over with. Hahaha!

I also liked the fact that you stuck to Haruhi's basic personlity of being independent and mindful of her single father. It's always been something I've admired and is probably one of the things many people relate to. It's nice to see that played out in a common, believable way here.

Great job. Keep writing and good luck with future fics.

P.S. Wouldn't it be rather disastrous to have Mori do the chores though? I know he managed to chop wood fine during the summer vacation-scenario, but would he really know how to waash and wipe and clean? Dear me...
grimmich chapter 1 . 9/9/2009
aw, her personal knight in shining armor! that is so sweet!
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