Reviews for Duo
Sholay chapter 24 . 3/13/2013
LOVED this story. Absolutely love-love-loved it! I don't think I've ever enjoyed a KH fic as much as I enjoyed this one. I read it all in one go, with the soundtrack for 'Dream Drop Distance' playing on my headphones and it was AWESOME! I can't believe you don't have more reviews for this story - you definitely deserve it!

Ok, ok, reasons why I love this fic (this might take a while :3):

1) It it's a continuation of KHII. There are lots of well-written AUs out there, but it is so hard to find a 'canon' story! Most ESPECIALLY one that is centred around friendship and character development instead of blind romance, angst and fluff.

2) Characterization! Oh Riku... you make me smile with the way you write Riku. He's always been my most favourite KH character (Sora's cute, but Riku is so wonderfully -complicated- (that self-effeacing, arrogant, cynical, martyred sap)). But he's also difficult to portray. He's more than just angsty... and he's methodical but not cold, he's show-offish but the darkness kinda beat a lot of the blind egotism out of him-course, that doesn't mean he isn't aware of how good he is at stuff). I also enjoyed the angle you took with him here-making him the 'true' master. I mean, it's likely never gonna happen in cannon, but it WOULD be fun, wouldn't it?

3) Xehanort. I swear I felt for poor Riku throughout this story, the way that Xehanort was reviving slowly inside him and he couldn't do anything to stop it... I admit, I would've liked to see Riku stab the guy in the chest himself instead of Sora... but, eh, it did fit better with the story and Riku's character this way.

Oh, and when Xehanort started speaking in Riku's ears... so eevill... it made me shiver just a little.

4) Story pacing. Seriously, did you plan this all out in advance or something? It feels like you did. At first I felt that Xehanort was growing too quickly inside of RIku, that the effects were getting too strong too quickly. But you proved me wrong - turns out it was SUPPOSED to be like that and Riku's 'fall' into the darkness (only half-way into the story!) was only the beginning of a new story arc.

It made me sad, how Riku and Sora only really got to travel to one world together. It was so much fun with them working together, playing off each other... and then they were ripped away to continue their own stories while fighting their way back to each other... only, when they met, Riku was no longer the one in control... (This is a compliment to your writing though-darnit! You made me FEEL! XD)

5) You brought back the blindfold. And you didn't use the 'he can see through the blindfold anyway' excuse and instead seemed to suggest the more difficult (in terms of portrayal) 'he can sense in the darkness' route. Kudos for that.

Oh AND you back Riku a partner (for however short a period of time!) and it was VINCENT! So awesome. I admit, I like the idea of Riku and Mickey running around questing. But this was fun too. And original.

6) Yesss, Originality. This story has it. I admit I never really thought RIku was going to die, and I did know right off that Riku was the Keyblade Master (although that has more to do with your Penname-and the fact that Riku's name is listed first as the main character in this fic-than anything else. Normally I would've guessed it was Sora). Nevertheless, I was still excited to see what would happen next. I enjoyed the idea of 'stray memories' (it seems to fit so well into the KH 'verse!) and there were some things (like why they were after Sora, and who was controlling them) that I didn't get immediately. I was racing through some bits because I was so anxious to find out what happens next (I'll have to go back and read those bits later, hehe).

So yeah! I think I've rambled on enough to thoroughly scare you away ;P I just want to say again: great story! To me, it felt almost like reading a KH game (well paced, action-filled, lotsa sadness, just enough happiness to keep you going and a sweet-bittersweet ending (bittersweet because I didn't want it to end and I wanted to see Sora and Riku reunite with their friends and Riku get acknowledged as the true Master)). I enjoyed it from start to end.

Ok! Enough from me! Just... Thanks for writing this story and I'll be keeping an eye out for any more you may (?) write!

dragonsrullllz chapter 24 . 11/10/2008
wow this is the best kh fanfic ive read
chibi heishi chapter 24 . 9/18/2008
Wow. This was good. And you can tell that your writing has improved between this story and the later ones. On a lighter note, when Riku was fighting four different battles, all I could think was 'Whoa, talk about multi-tasking'.
november.eyes chapter 24 . 1/4/2008
Aww what a great ending!

Makes me wish for a sequel (is there any chance of one?)

Everything came together perfectly at the end. Especially with the bottled note, I forgot all about that. I love how you added other Disney movies into the storyline, and I now blame you for my craving of seeing a Pride Lands Riku XD

I admit, I squee'd when Vincent came into the story

I'm definetly adding this story to my favourites to reread again hehe

Congradulations on a great story!
november.eyes chapter 24 . 1/4/2008
Aw what a great ending!

Makes me wish for a sequel (is there any chance of one?)

Everything came together perfectly at the end. Especially with the bottled note, I forgot all about that. I love how you added other Disney movies into the storyline, and I now blame you for my craving of seeing a Pride Lands Riku XD

I admit, I squee'd when Vincent came into the story

I'm definetly adding this story to my favourites to reread again hehe

Congradulations on a great story!
november.eyes chapter 7 . 1/3/2008
Haha, I really like this story. Its nice to see a properly researched Kingdom Hearts fiction where it isn't filled with various smut, OOC or angst XD that being said...

“Good thinking. You never know...” That slight smile transformed into a smirk as Riku looked away from Sora. “Besides, you did say that you would come back to say hello. Or should I say ‘you sang it’?”

Riku: 1 Sora: 0 LOL
Brennend chapter 24 . 12/19/2007
This story is totally awesome! I love the friendship between Riku and Sora and all the background you made was great!

Wonderful story. :)
KarineNachigeru chapter 24 . 6/9/2007
This story is great. It's very sweet with great action and detail, alot of worry and sadness but also joy and happieness as well. I has great intergration of the characters and themes from KingDom Heart,Final Fantasy 7, and such. You'r writting is well done with few mistakes and I found this fic addicting to read..Hence why it's almost 2:00a.m now. Anyway I hope to read more of your fics soon.

B.T.W...I thought your ending to be a prelube to a possible sequel and I'm wondering if I'm right or if I'm just getting my hopes up?
totallytrash chapter 24 . 4/28/2007
aww that was so damngreat! are you gunna post a sequel? XD please do, well done, your writing rocks XD
Kazuya-chan chapter 24 . 4/4/2007
*wipes tear* This is beautiful! It is truly my favorite fic and I will never delete it from my list of favorites. May I dine in Hell if I do. *takes another handkerchief*

Will you be writing a sequel to this? I will encourage you all the way if you do. *many huggles for you* _
HIMluv chapter 24 . 3/27/2007
I started reading this fic a LONG time ago, but, just today I rediscovered it in my favorites, and realized it was there with very good reason.

So I opened it and picked up where I left off (I've got a phenomenal memory!).

This is the best Kingdom Hearts fic I've every read!

And I have to admit, you really had me going there for a while, all that talk about Riku and Sora being seperate, and Riku living in Darkness... it was very agitating!

But, as I closed out that last chapter, an unprecedented girly squeal and a round of applause were most definitely in order!

Thank you so much for this fic!
StratosphereEnthusiast chapter 24 . 3/14/2007
Wow . . . the story's over already! Good job, seriously. I must commend you for the effort you have put in. Kudos!
Song of the Skies chapter 24 . 3/13/2007
I enjoyed this story. It has been wonderful from start to finsih. I think this was the perfect way to end it.
LunaLocket chapter 24 . 3/13/2007
The ending was fantastic-like I said before,this would be kind of like a romance if Riku was a girl.

One question,are you writing a sequel?

DevilMadeYouCry chapter 24 . 3/13/2007
that was so cool and the end waas kawaii
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