Reviews for Deadly Games II: Time and Again
Raelin Thaon chapter 3 . 10/26/2014
I really hope you haven't forgotten or given up on this'd story! I really want to read more!

RunaRina chapter 3 . 9/4/2014
I'm freaking out please continue!
And what happened with kurama and kagome?
Oh and I kinda request some sesskag here
Maybe just to annoy kurama a bit and all
I really like the first part of this story though
So don't ya think of abandoning this one
I want to see their happy ending and all
This story(1st one) also made me a kurkag fan
I really really love this so please... MORE!

And yeah I love all of your pairings
And how's sango and hiei's child?
I know there's one damn it!
I hate cliff hangers so please continue
Or maybe have do so when you're
Not busy or if you're in the mood

Lastly,a good job well done on a very lovely story
This means a lot to me really.. :)
K. Edge chapter 3 . 4/14/2014
I have to say I read the first story 4 times noe. It's always been one of my favorites. But I'm extremely disappointed this hasn't been finished. Ide love to hear the ending.
Belle Sparrow chapter 3 . 11/18/2013
Same high quality work as before (though it 's still too early for me to have any solid predictions) and lots of questions that I am already scrambling to answer. For example, at the end of Deadly Games Kagome didn't want to leave, and had mentioned seeing Kurama in the present. Yet five/six years have passed with no contact is currently the question nagging me the most right now. I simply can't see what would have kept them both away and am anticipating seeing how the answer presents itself within this new problematic context. :)
Arkytior's Song chapter 3 . 10/10/2013
x3 LOL Love it!
Saholia chapter 3 . 9/5/2013
I'm very sad that we'll never know how Hiei reacts to Sango being pregnant... I did t review on Deadly Games, so ill review here. I love your fic, it was very well written. I only hope you can write a little more if this sequel- just to do d out what their reactions will be to knowing the truth behi d those 6 years of separation.
nanwae chapter 3 . 6/18/2013
No1 No Kagome and kurama fluff :'(
Cole-chan chapter 3 . 1/30/2013
Pleaseee Oh please, Lord, continue with this wonderful work! I couldn't keep away when I started readying Deadly Games, and now with this sequel I just can't fathom why you haven't posted up more! It's entirely enticing, and so very difficult to turn away from. I am a bit confused about what's going on with Kurama, I'd though he'd be more open? And the reasons of Sango keeping away, she's had a baby right? Introduce to us this new character! I can't wait how Hiei will react, and if you have him actually in a physical relationship with Mukuro, and if so, how Sango will handle that. Keep up the most excellent work!
Fantaspasia chapter 3 . 1/25/2012
This is a great story, as well as the first one, and i really love it. It's been so long since this was last updated, and i was wonderign if you are going to complete it?
Ryleigh89 chapter 3 . 12/25/2011
I am a huge fan of your stories. I love them! I have noticed you haven't updated this in a while and I was wondering if you ever will? Lol:)
abandoned no longer posting chapter 3 . 11/24/2011
I read the first section I don't usually wake me to finish this one. Im looking forward to how Kurama and Kagome pan out. Please update this soon. I'm looking forward to reading the rest.
flamingmarsh chapter 3 . 9/10/2011
Hope you continue this story soon. It's a great start.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/20/2011
Update please.
MidnightReader1 chapter 3 . 9/23/2010
what a shame, its a pity u didnt fin tis story. Lovd da first story of tis, would lve if u'd fin tis story. Keep up the good work! xx
KnowSaneThoughtInSight chapter 3 . 8/8/2010
I loved your first story and am so happy that you are continueing it.

However in the previous story didn't you say that because Kura was dieing, she did not have enough energy to bring Kagome back in the first place?

Anyway I hope that you continue the story soon! :)
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