Reviews for Betty
RandomShtScinceWhenever chapter 1 . 7/18/2017
It simply tickles me that tough guy Jayne is such a momma's boy. It's absolutely adorable. I wonder how long it took to convince Simon that it was a good idea to let Jayne handle River cleanup?
Wicked.Onna chapter 1 . 10/28/2016
wow sweet,sad and a great read
jenefaner chapter 1 . 4/26/2011
Aww...this was very well done. Very well written too. a classic. :)
Thescarredman chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
Oh, beautiful. Love the analogy and the warm references to Jayne's past, and most especially your writing style.
Springrain chapter 1 . 8/27/2009
Ah, I like this story; very sweet. It is insightful, and provides that possiblity for a R/J relationship. Plus I love any coverage of Jayne and his Ma.
verkisto chapter 1 . 4/8/2009
Outstanding. Don't need to say more. Cheers! ;-)
Lattelady chapter 1 . 12/30/2007
Wow that was amazing. I didn't seen the end coming. You did it beautifully.
wyntertwilight chapter 1 . 1/11/2007
With all those Rayne vids you made, I wondered whether or not you were a fanfic venturer aswell, and I'm so glad to see that's the case! This was a really poignant read, I loved Jayne thinking about his Ma, then Betty, and then River - it didn't feel forced at all, and the thoughts just seemed to flow together. I also really like the idea of him being the only one who can ground her when she's gone to the "bad place", it seems quite fitting. Great fic!
Fayth3 chapter 1 . 8/12/2006
I really can't tell you how much I love this fic. I think Ive read it at least twenty times. It's just perfect in every way. I love mama cobb and teh fact that Jayne realises that Bety is liek River. Honestly, can't praise this enough.

BTW- before i forget again I also love "Opposites attract" vid on Youtube, I think it's yours (same name and all). Do you have a web site as I'd love to have the vid on my comp?
Coaxial Creature chapter 1 . 7/27/2006
Wow. The last line was the real tear jerker for me - and what a buildup! Slow, and beautiful, and tender... and yet tense at the same time.

The last line releases that tension, and yet somehow brings another, stronger one back in. Amazingly crafted.

So in character, and I've read so many stories with these two characters with him taking care of her that doesn't make sense. You manage that so convincingly I couldn't help but get lost in it.

Thank you!

~Frenzy ;
dancing-badly chapter 1 . 7/12/2006
That was a very well executed story. I was surprised. A beautiful comparison between the gun and River was fantastic. I cannot express how perfect your story was. You captured the characters flawlessly. Well done. I'm adding it to my favourites.

You should write more Rayne.

My only critique is that I doubt he would send a letter on paper, it would take months to get there. It is the future, so wouldn't he send it electronically.
lady scribe of avandell chapter 1 . 4/1/2006
Gave me the chills, this piece. Quite beautiful, in that Jayne-beauty way. Strange how a bulky muscled mercenary can project such elegance, isn't it? Don't know why, but Jayne makes me all sorts of poetic. Good job capturing his essence.

Sere mi Eru...Lady Scribe of Avandell
Vanessa chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
Really like this.
Dina C chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
This was well done. You took an idea, developed it patiently with lots of description, some humor, and filled in some of the Jayne backstory, which is always good, too. I like the way you gradually brought River into the piece and showed the likeness between her and Betty. It gives a very believeable, emotionally realistic view of why Jayne would be protective of River and like her. Great job!
pengwin-jibberish chapter 1 . 3/29/2006
I loved this so much. Excellant writing, great concept.
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