Reviews for Paying Your Dues
hpfan456312 chapter 12 . 7/21/2006
I really liked your story! It was a good alternative to the other angst filled "possible book 6" stories that are out there!
Tu lo sai inc chapter 12 . 6/8/2006
Snow Empress chapter 12 . 6/8/2006
Hahaha! Loved it! I'll go and check out your other fics, because this one was so good and hilariously funny.
older and amused chapter 12 . 6/7/2006
the weasleys? payin g TAXES! they really must have been traumatised!

excellent! i liked the bit about Voldy and the punch! hehe!

here's an idea i just had for a number on V's too-do list... ;-D

"3. Get a ring! Sauron will never let me hear the end of it if i show up at the Annual Dark Lords' Dinner Party without one!"

hehe! lol! byee!
Ariadne Oliver chapter 12 . 6/7/2006
Nice story. A very funny, entertaining story that I just randomly found. Love Fred and George. Gotta hate those taxes. You should write more Harry Potter stories, just like I should write longer and more interesting sentences to review. And look, I just did my part as that was a fairly long sentence, now you should do your part. Anyhoo, lovely story, made me laugh, keep up the good work. I liked the thoughts of George. They were interesting, to say the least, and I liked how you kind of focused on one twin. Cool.


Ariadne Oliver
trecebo chapter 12 . 6/7/2006
*snorts into my soda* OMW! That last bit was too funny.

And Harry's words? I have a few more expository but not family friendly for the reporter. Harry has such nice manners...:D
older and amused chapter 11 . 5/29/2006
hehehe! excelent ending, m'dear! simply superb! hehehehe! guilty! hehehe!
trecebo chapter 11 . 5/29/2006
Bwah-ha-ha-ha-freakin-ha! They get off but have to live with the 'rents? OMW! Too funny!
older and amused chapter 10 . 5/22/2006
...something beginning with H...




in a way...




Yes. cya!

loved the chap, btw!
Larry1710 chapter 10 . 5/22/2006

I like your writing style, witty and not overly descriptive. Love the twins' banter, its spot on! Especially the "I spy" at the end.

Keep going, tis fab.

Indigo Blue.x chapter 9 . 5/22/2006
Hahaha! This whole fic is absolutely genius; you've got a brilliant style of writing, and I love fics about the twins. I have absolutely nothing bad to say, this is hilarious!

twadrummer chapter 9 . 5/21/2006
"I spy", that limitless game of talent, patience, and above all stupidity, provoked by endless boredom and the absence of anything better to do. It's excellent (both the fic and I spy) so please continue...keep going and update soon amigo :)
older and amused chapter 9 . 5/15/2006
i spy with my little eye...AH! HELP! MY HOMEWORK IS CATCHING UP TO ME!

ciao, gotta go hide in a tree!

Genny ;-D
older and amused chapter 8 . 5/9/2006
hehehehe! excellent!


i'm gonna reccomend this to all my frends!


The Cat Who Walks by Herself chapter 7 . 5/1/2006
hehe! looking forward to da next chappie! i hope you'll include the contents of the Howlers! ;-D
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