Reviews for Regaining Narnia
Ruan Chun Xian chapter 9 . 10/18/2009
I avoided this story at first since Susan-after-LB stories are usually very depressing and angsty but I'm glad I gave in and read this. It was wonderful and very creative. I love how the trials match the traits of the siblings. The first trial, Susan had to find herself. For the second, Lucy helped her to find out what it means to love Narnia with its natural beauty. The third is Edmund and justice, of course. And the last, what it means to be a magnificent king. Very appropriate.

I also like the relationship between Peter and Susan. Usually Peter is close to Lucy and Edmund, I've seen few fics where he is closest to Susan but you portrayed it very well.

“I actually have a bone to pick with Aslan for neglecting to tell me that part of the trial,” he grumbled. “It’s a bad business dying… and I had to do it for ungrateful sisters who hit you with history books…”

I love this part. And the part about Edmund Robin Hood without the merry men.
doewe chapter 9 . 2/26/2009
Very good story, you could have done it without Susan's children and husband though - it would have been exactly as believable.

And now I'll go and look what else you've written ;-)
CalliopeMused chapter 9 . 2/18/2009
I like this! I always felt that Lewis undid something of his books with his little declaration about Susan and nylons and lipstick ("once a king or queen of Narnia, always a king or queen of Narnia"-unless you get heartbroken and act like a socially adjusted individual of your own time, then you're just out). This goes a long way to letting her back into her family, and I love the idea of her trials. As odd as it is, with the story-telling and the emotions of the later trials (especially the last), I think my favorite trial is her first, when she rediscovers Narnia.

Very well-written!
ibelieveintruelove chapter 9 . 12/14/2008
Oh it was lovely! Susan's trials were all really well thought out, and I loved that she met a different sibling in each one. And for the Narnian she met in the first trial - it was her son David! She just didn't realize it yet ;) I didn't pick out Lucy because I didn't know in what capacity her siblings would be in there, but I picked out Edmund and Peter right away :) And I liked the idea that Susan had a family of her own in Narnia that she left behind with the wardrobe. It makes sense that she would've gotten married. But at the same time I don't think that C.S. Lewis ever imagined her getting married, because he knew that Susan would have to go back to England eventually and it just would've been to cruel to her children to take away their mother. But this was a lovely story and it made me very happy too. Susan deserved to come back to Narnia, even if she had turned away and forgotten it all. Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. Excellent story!
Window2MySoul chapter 9 . 7/9/2008
This was great. I loved how Susan does remeber and gets back to Narnia. You got the character's really well. Great job!
Hidden Firecracker chapter 9 . 6/25/2008
I know I’m late coming to this story, but I really enjoyed your plotline. I’ve read stories where Susan is all depressed or deranged after her family dies and it just never seemed like something Susan would turn out to be. I enjoyed her taking action for herself and the idea of redemption through various tasks. Susan is a strong person, and I’m glad you showed that side of her. I also love your family dynamic with the four of them and how you brought it full circle with Susan whacking Peter with that book and Edmund washing his hair. I especially love Edmund's characterization. In all of your stories he is just how I would imagine he would turn out. Great story!
heiressofanor chapter 9 . 6/22/2008
Great story! :)
Shadow-ofthe-Night35 chapter 3 . 6/3/2008
:) I can tell this is going to be good. YOu have really good characterizations and an amazing style. I like your reason for Susan forgetting Narnia-it makes more sense than the non-existant reason in the books :D.

I'll definately be reading more of this (when Finals are over...) and in the meantime, this is going on my favorites list! :)

Can't wait to read more, thanks.

Keep Writing!

jsena5678 chapter 9 . 5/18/2008
great tie-up to the Chronicles of Narnia...just saw "Prince Caspian" & i remembered at the end of the book "The Last Battle" that Susan was excluded from True Narnia b/c she became self-absorbed selfish(when Aslan said Peter & Susan would never return)-always hated that about the book b/c the book never gave any kind of reason why she would chg her attitudes so drasticly while the others stayed the same after they returned to the real world(we can guess they but nothing really confirmed)...Thank You for bringing Susan home and completing what CS Lewis never did for his fans
MandaMarie chapter 4 . 5/15/2008
This is quite good. I am sure that Lewis and even Tolkein would have enjoyed this story.
hmm chapter 1 . 3/29/2008
Um...It's not that I don't like it..It's just a little off-books shall we say? But very good plot! Interesing and all...
Sedri chapter 9 . 3/10/2008
Well, as you may guess since I've gotten this far, I very much enjoy your story. I like that Susan had to work to get her redemption, and yet it was more or less 'easy' to obtain nonetheless. I particularly like seeing the others reincarnate into other worlds to help change them, particularly Lucy's futuristic world - it's a tangent that I think could be wonderful to expand on in a fic of its own. (Not that I'm HINTING or anything...)

The only thing I don't like is the inclusion of Susan's husband and children. I appreciate that you did not make the story about them, but by making them so peripheral, they've become unnecessary to the plot. You could edit them out and still have a very good story, and I personally think you should - I very nearly stopped reading when I came across the first mention of them because, quite frankly, whenever writers give Susan a family, it feels like they're looking for a reason to justify her behaviour. But we, the audience, don't need an explaination to believe that Susan would distance herself - we already know that she has.

Sorry, rambling. But they seemed very unnecesary to me. But that's one complaint versus many other praises. It's a good story. Cheers!
QOShea chapter 9 . 2/26/2008
An interesting story, but I feel sorry for Susan's remaining relatives and friends and the kids at the orphanage since she just disappeared without a trace.
AFX787359 chapter 9 . 2/19/2008
Please post a sequal! This was such a good story and I'm sorry I didn't review earlier but I wanted to finish this fic. It is so good! Again, please, PLEASE, PA-WESE post a sequal!
bethany camille chapter 9 . 5/8/2007
Hooray! Someone finally wrote a decent Susan story (not that yours was decent, more like INCREDIBLE). I simply adored it from the beginning to the end. I agree with a previous review, it would be quite interesting to hear about how Susan met Arthur.
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