Reviews for Written Desires
ZoeysZone chapter 7 . 7/8/2012
loved it
wish it wasn't over yet, I want to see wat will happen after she reads it
Souljacker chapter 7 . 11/12/2011
This was great! LOL I was laughing my poor ass off through the whole thing. Useually its hard to make an M fic that funny but this..THis was without words funny! Update soon, please!

Keep Writing!

Jaded Baby Blues chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
Really great fanfic! Remy sounds utterly hilarious and sexy in this fic! He sounds so adorable...Sigh. I laughed out loud so many times while I was reading this! I love how to maintain Remy's distinctive Cajun ways and words. I can almost picture him all sexy and charming going 'Mon Dieu!' everywhere! I really wish that the 'lizard' Cody would just disappear for good so Remy and Rogue could properly hook up! Update soon!
Angellee chapter 1 . 7/5/2010
I love this story so much! This is one of the best Gambit fics I've read. I love Beau, I love Gambit and Wolvie's drunken antics, I love all of Gambit's different laughs. I don't think I've giggled so hard at a story in my life. Oh, so much joy.

I sincerely hope you update this again.
Deb1481 chapter 7 . 1/30/2010
Just wanted to show some appreciation; this fic is LMAO funny and the closest portrayal of Gambit/Rogue I've read so far. Thanks for the laughs.
Ilovebookshowboutyou chapter 7 . 1/26/2010
HAHAHAHAHA!I love it, this story is amazing.I hope you are still writing more of this story and that a new one will be out soon,keep up the good work:D
Iridescent Chicanery chapter 7 . 1/7/2010
Oh my God! That was brilliant! I was laughing so hard! The humor is just amazing! I mean, I'm literally clutching my stomach and laughing every chapter! You're a comic genius! I love the way you've portrayed Gambit-I mean we usually see the roguish slightly tongue-in-cheek humor Gambit, but this Gambit! Wow! He's on a whole new level! Can't wait for more!
tenchi13 chapter 7 . 1/1/2010
this made me laugh so hard! I love it
Sugahroc57 chapter 7 . 12/27/2009
I haven't read a fic like this one. It had me rolling on the floor and tears poor down. Remy is too much in this especially with wolvie at his side bloody drunk, it's pure genius. Thank you for the laughs needed it, can't wait to see what happens when Cody get out of jail (I never did like him, he's like an annoying fly you tried to get rid of, glad he's getting what he deserves messing with my Romy) I'll be waiting for another page of Remys journal, where did he go whiie Rogue snoops through it?
tfobmv18 chapter 7 . 12/27/2009
I absolutely love it. I soo can't wait to see what'll happen next. Keep up the good work.
Lucky's Girl chapter 7 . 12/27/2009

YAYAY! A chapter! I could squeal, in fact I've already done that and am complicating that I should throw a party in hopes for more chapters!

Ah, that chpater was SO great!

'Oui, elle wants moi.' Damn right she does! Oh gosh, this was SO funny! I can't believe it, counterfiet money on him...hahahah! Poor Rogue though, if she found out, she'd kill him, but she HAS! I can't wait to see her reaction to all of this!

The coffee cup thing was hilarious,running in and blaming it all on him, yesh, the team is on Remy's side...that's cuz Cody is an *! I hates him, but Remy is getting revenge for me.

The PS was SO cute! Ha, I love the two of them and come on...THEY LOVE EACH OTHER! She just giggled, I love her! Though all his french makes it hard to read, be less sexy in french Remy!

The danger room thing...hahahahahah! Mentioning Hahahahah, I love Remy's different laughs!

AW I am SO honored, I am one of your favorite reviewers! *blushes and then hugs* Thank you! Your such a great author...WHAT an honor! I am SO happy this has been too long, a year being too long! But you've made it al up, now I can read more...Ah, I love this story!

Come on with the ROMY and Remy's greatness. I can't wait for more!

Your fanatic fan

JustAJackie chapter 6 . 11/16/2009
You. Are. Now. My. Story. Slave.



Akiko Sakura chapter 6 . 9/1/2009
cant wait to read more of his journal!
Red Skippy chapter 6 . 8/30/2009
HAHAHA great story, please post next chapter soon!
Red Skippy chapter 2 . 8/30/2009

-Insert evil yet sexy French Cajun laugh here -

Uh oh, dry throat. Let’s end t’is entry pour le soir, non?

HAHAHAHA! How could you not love it! XD
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