Reviews for Shadows of the Moon
GP06FR chapter 8 . 9/12/2012
This story isn't on the void anymore, I just checked.
I like the writing so far. Send me a link if you can? I'd love to continue reading it.
moon essence chapter 1 . 8/4/2012
Where's your site? I need more of this! I love all the guardians (except Nakuru/ Ruby Moon-thanks a lot, almost making poor Yue/Yukito disappear!) and Yue is my favourite. Please reply; someone, anyone! I would really appreicate it!
Blue Lagoon Loon chapter 8 . 4/29/2011

I hope you update this, because it is very, very, VERY interesting.
kinosternon chapter 8 . 3/10/2010
Ah! This story is amazing, you can't stop there! No! D: *checks profile, cuz I stalk for fanfic* What's your website? Is there more of this on there? Please? How can you say there's more stuff on your website when there's no URL or link?
Irrelevancy chapter 8 . 6/15/2009

This is awesome

Absolutely wonderful

Uh, I'm brain-dead, so -insert compliment here-

I need the next chappy...

I just finished, and I'm already OCD-ing over it...

GRINtelligencer chapter 8 . 8/20/2006
Wait... is there suggosed to be abother chapter? It sems to trail off there, I thought it would go up to point that To-ya gives him his power.

Ah well, I was looking forward to that but them again I did like this emfing too.

A good story this. Wish it went on, but we can't have everything right?
Tea.T chapter 8 . 7/27/2005
Incredible, I can't wait for more. Please...

This is exactly what may have gone through Yue's head, which I wanted to know. Thanks.
not applicable chapter 8 . 1/16/2005
Well, this is quite an enjoyable fiction to read. Very interesting and nicely written. Thank you for writing this.
Willdew chapter 8 . 5/30/2004
Incredibly faithful to the original CCS version. Only slightly different from the manga, and that's in the way you've inserted Yue's POV as the narration.

I liked the way Yue started thinking as if he were Yukito by the end. The utterance of "My house..." during the battle scene was so sad!

The melancholy ambiguity of the whole Y/Y/T pairing was handled nicely without delving into the realm of the melodramatic (which believe me is hard when butterfly girls and giant teddybears are involved).

You managed to keep Yukito charmingly sweet and innocent, without being stupid. Sometimes I wish he'd have more of a backbone but that's why Yue's frustrated with him, isn't it? The only thing I noticed you changed was that in the first book of the second series, in the kitchen Yue refers to Yukito as a "pathetic *loser*" (he's a little frustrated at that time)... I noticed you softened his words a bit-making out that Yue secretly wants to be Yukito. Which he very well might. _;

Good job, anyways. I realize you wrote this story two years ago but I still hope you read this review! :)
Durgas Dragon chapter 7 . 7/24/2003
Since you don't have a place that I could see at your site to give you reviews, I'm going to post it here. I was quiet impressed! The interaction, the character devolpement, it all moves perfectly! I hope you plane to write past ch 16 (or was it 17? I got too involved to notices such petty details). I'm HOOKED.
Hachi Mitsu chapter 8 . 5/26/2003
Waii! I never knew you were on *_* this is so neat D btw, I love this story, it was your first story of yours that I read (back when it was on ) *sighs happily* btw, thanks for commenting on 'leaves' though I don't think it'll ever be finished b/c 1) in the end I'm just not up to writing slash and 2) I'm working on two original novelets _~ they're sort of a secret 'cause I havn't posted them anywhere. Neways, now that I've read the first few vols of Yami no Matsuei, I will go indulge in your fics *_*
Durgas Dragon chapter 8 . 4/16/2003
I quiet enjoyed this! The life you give Yue is wonderful! The self-doubt, the confusion, the jealously, it's great! I really want to know how things turn out!
Akari Sennyami chapter 8 . 1/31/2003
I've read as far as is posted on your site, but thought I'd post a review here, I was too impressed to stay quiet.

This is an excellent fic- what I appreciate most is the way you've handled the separation of Yue and Yukito, defining them as individuals, and then brought them together in such a gradual and believable way. I also like the use of dreams and reflections, both literally and metaphorically. It's such a relief to read a story that treats Yue/Yukito with such depth, looking beyond the aloof and cold side of one, and the seemingly ever-happy ever-helpful side of the other.

My pertition is for you to post up more on your site!

(this is getting long, so having said my thing, I'll shut up now)
Time Waster chapter 8 . 1/29/2003
I love this fic! You have got to finish it! I beg you! *gets down on her knees* please please please! I looooooove thiiiiis!
kirayasha aka kira chapter 8 . 12/12/2002
Cool story! I hope you'll continue it soon! luv kira
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