Reviews for Ache
Jexss chapter 21 . 6/22/2017
It was a very amazing story. Thank you so much for completing it.
Jexss chapter 20 . 6/22/2017
Arg! I keep forgetting to rwview! Ill try harder. Akito is a jerk for having their memories erased. But who is the girl that shigure had to tell?
TwinSanity95 chapter 21 . 7/10/2013
the story was good maybe you should have added what akito did because at the begining its hard to put it togther with plants and you should have done something to say their hair was dyed because i got confused at first and their eyes arent brown and you didnt say contacts so that confused me too
pinkperson chapter 21 . 11/13/2011
I have to say I'm really impressed, lol. This may be the best romance fic I've come across on this site yet...and I really, really love a few of the ones I've read.

Man, you did such a great job with Kyo and Yuki. I'm glad you didn't put 'hot sex scenes' like most fangirls would want, and focused on more subtle sensuality instead ;). In my opinion, that's usually so much more satisfying in a story. I mean, come on, if I want porn, I'll just read porn...but I'd rather have a story...

Anyway...I have to admit I have a weakness for character couplings like Kyo and Yuki. The overly emotional and the stoic just make a great pair, somehow. :) Although you didn't handle it in a cliched way, which is even better. And it's just sweet how you handled the whole catnip/asthma thing. I liked that it didn't feel shoved into the story, but natural.

Really love your style of writing as well. I much prefer it to the boring/straightforward way most people write..I mean, yeah, people don't talk in a 'flowery' sort of way in reality, but it's just so nice to read it as long as it's not overdone...The only nitpicks I have are that there were a few typos and misspellings. :P I wish you'd written more for this even made Tohru look like less of a Mary Sue. I almost identified with her a little here, lol.
tara chapter 7 . 11/13/2011
I really like this so far. Especially how you incorporated the Yuki fan club. :)
lucimonk chapter 20 . 9/26/2010
haha go catnip :P this is such a cute story. you're a good writer ;)
Dark-Angel-Princess 01 chapter 21 . 6/23/2010
HyperMint chapter 14 . 9/22/2009
oh, so you like spirited away too?
Cola Zitron chapter 21 . 7/7/2008
Wow. I just read "Plants" and this in one go and I'm totally smitten. These two are by far the best (Furuba) stories I have ever - and probably will ever - read. I absolutely adore both of them and you for your insanely good writing skills.

This was perfection.
Jayn chapter 21 . 11/26/2007
Cuteness! I was so sad when they lost their memories! But they be happy again by the emd. It all comes back to the catnip. Lol Cuteness!

Keep writing!
Neiti Kyllikki chapter 21 . 5/20/2007
Whe, I love this story! :D I really, really do!
Ruby Love chapter 21 . 10/26/2006
Wow. It's over...
Lady Divinity Cosplay chapter 21 . 10/26/2006
Loved this chapter. And they broke the curse! I can't picture Kyo with black hair though.
golden-kitsunebi chapter 21 . 10/26/2006
It is the end? *Cries Lightly* Beautiful story! Well done!
kaesaku chapter 21 . 10/25/2006

the end..?

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