Reviews for The Clock On The Wall
Miss Meehan chapter 1 . 9/15/2005
I, for one, want to see it as slash. And you could have made this a long or a short fic but that reall doesn't matter. What matters is that this is a well written character study of Jordan and maybe Shawn just a little. And the slashiness if just enough to keep us slashers happy. Beautiful story. I hope you write more on these two.
sarahofearth chapter 1 . 9/3/2005
I am so sorry that I haven't reviewed for two days! I'm horrible, I know! Dramatic regrets aside, thank you so much for the dedication. Nobody's ever done that for me before. I'm so touched. To pay you back, I dedicate this review for you. Granted, it was in the first place, but, er, okay, how 'bout this pancake? I dedicate this pancake, which I'm about to eat, to you. Yay! *eats pancake* (That was short lived... Whatever!)

This fic was awesome. I really want more Jordan/Shawn, any kind, slash, friendship, father-son, WHATEVER! They all rule. I'm so hungry for this stuff since the season premiere is now about a year away! You're stories are the best though. This one was deep and very cute. Them holding each other for like ever. I giggled a little at that one part when they said that they would hold each other until they died. (I have the oddest sense of humour.) Still, this fic was great. As I said before and will continually say, you need to write more and more fics. One-shots you do the best. Keep up the awesome work!

Have a nice day,

