Reviews for Fade to Black
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 4 . 10/2/2017
Mysterious. Vetinari looking for Vimes's tiles on the roof, to figure out how exactly Vimes slipped accidentally into Vetinari's room?
Thank you. Good day, good night, and good luck.
Reader-anonymous-writer chapter 3 . 10/2/2017
You know, when sun is rising, birds begin to sing. And skin feels warmth of sunlight. Even if eyes are totally blind.
Special Patrol Group chapter 4 . 3/27/2012
You should really carry on with this imho XD
Lady Karasu chapter 4 . 5/17/2011
Two interesting finds tonight - firstly, that you have an account, here (just stumbled upon it), and secondly, that you write for discworld rather well. Here and I just popped in to check out your One Piece offerings. Very nicely played, I do hope you plan on continuing this at some point, as you've done a nice job with Vetinari, Vimes, and the general feel of the story. I've enjoyed it. ;)
lovova chapter 4 . 10/13/2009
Oh, damn...well,condisdering this was last updated, um, two years ago, I suppose it would be naive to assume we'll ever find out who those dark men were, and what the #$# Vetinari is doing on that roof, the blind fool! Ahem, anyway, for the bits you did write, absulutly fantastic, a real pleasure to read!
Gogol chapter 1 . 2/17/2008
Careful calculation tells me that you are posting a chapter about once every six months. It therefore follows that, since it has been seven months since the last chapter, I should be seeing an update soon.

Right? RIGHT? -descends into puddle of inelegant sobbing-
Nomad1 chapter 4 . 1/5/2008
Wow, this story is fascinating, and very much in-character. I really hope you continue it soon.
Shiro Ryuu chapter 1 . 8/5/2007
Oh yes, and please attempt to ignore my lapses of coherency in that last review. You could take it as a compliment, even. Dx;
Shiro Ryuu chapter 4 . 8/5/2007
OMW! Quite a fic you've got here Original concept, ICness (in Vetinari, no less), Pratchetty humor... Oh, I love it. It was great from the very beginning - his conversation with Leonard - and then every conversation he's had with Vime, in particular the one where Vimes was stalking him on his roof, and not to mention Durmknott's little talk with the chef... *spazz* What is he up to now? (Pun, what pun?). (Oh, and Nobby and Colon's conversation was wonderful, too. Not that everything else isn't great too, but I love your conversations). *sly look* So, I guess I can take comfort in the fact that this has been going for over two years. The fact that it hasn't been updated in two months probably doesn't mean a thing, huh? I mean, you ~are~ going to continue this at some point, right? *stare, stare*
fayra chapter 4 . 7/7/2007
Finally got some time to read it _

Anyway, Im glad you updated it. Im very interested in this story, and Im glad you arent dropping it.

This chapter was very nice. I liked the way you handled the vampire attack - hum, I wonder, where are you going with that? - and Vimes is just lovely. The last interaction was great.
ricco-the-penguin chapter 4 . 7/1/2007
very interesting...I can't wait to read more!
shinealightonme chapter 4 . 6/20/2007
I love this story! It makes me laugh and it is well written...your style is very much like Terry Pratchett's. This is really good and I hope that you update it soon.
Maserati-collecter chapter 4 . 6/9/2007
I love Terry Pratchett, and your sotry is really close to his books. keep writing!
crystalsun396 chapter 4 . 6/4/2007
I love you. I love you I loveyouIloveyou ILUOMG! O_O Oh em effing gee!

How I have _missed_ Discworld fic. _Your_ discworld fic. Lawl, coherency is overrated, but oh oh OH, HIS LORDSHIP. Vampire attacks. My mind is irrevocably drawn towards her Ladyship, but. Mm. Disc-Braille.

Vetenari. Vimes. /Drumknott/. Sybil. Colon, Nobbs, various Watch. The pigeon and the cabbages. Assassin onna rooftop! The Times! (Ruby?) tights! ... and I'm done. For now. Doubt you've heard the last of this, though.
Rachel chapter 4 . 6/2/2007
Wow! It is such an unexpected pleasure to see this story updated - it is one of my all-time favorites. You write Vetinari perfectly, and the situation is dramatic and mysterious. This chapter begins to take the story in a totally new direction, and I can't wait to see what you have planned! Thanks so much for writing.
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