Reviews for Perchance to Dream
Way Walker chapter 1 . 6/10/2008
AMAZING! Love it. Please can you continue.
dailyconundrum chapter 1 . 10/26/2007
Creative plot. Love how you made Sulu dream he was a musketeer. Good call on making many of the dreams mirror some sort of reality, such as the cloud or especially the fight on Vulcan. Good writing as far as lack of errors go. Little too much dogged idolization of the captain there. Constructive criticism: you made the good doctor seem as dense as neutron star. I know he doesn't always catch on right away, but his persistence that the captain rest after all those times it near killed him puts "Bones" in a very bad light. One might say that, had the weapon been directed at McCoy, it would have had no effect, as your portrayal of him shows him to have a complete lack of brainwaves. (You can't manipulate what is not there) :P Give the man a little credit. But seriously, on the whole a good story.
CheetahLiv chapter 1 . 10/17/2007
Wow. This is like the third time I've read your story! It never gets old! This was fantastic! You write so well, and this was such a creepy and unique idea for a story. Thank you for writing this! I loved how you incorporated events from different episodes into Kirk's dreams. Great job! A very enjoyable story.
Midnight Topaz chapter 1 . 9/24/2006
Wow. Very powerful. This is a very good horror story. What would happen if our nightmares *did* come true? You captured this very well, and I like the fact that you used different events from the episodes. Very cool.
brian chapter 1 . 7/25/2006
EXCELLENT! You are an accomplished writer.
Knight Wild chapter 1 . 12/29/2005
That was a awesome story. It was just as good as, or even better than a real episode. I've read it again and again, and I never get tired of it. I was suprised that there wasn't more reviews on this, you're a superb writer. Keep on working!
Altrek chapter 1 . 4/3/2001
This was terrific. It reads like an episode. I really like the way you show the crew working together. Keep up the good work.
Quatrina Raberba chapter 1 . 3/28/2001
Yes! Yes! I LOVE this one! I've read it once, and I read it again! I must say, AWESOME job! _ I always figured the Klingons just wouldn't let Kirk get away with that tribble incident. A *great* idea on what they would do to get revenge. Keep up the great job!