Reviews for Looseleaf Paper
ihatewriting chapter 1 . 5/21/2010
This is really good. You should write more ShikaTema!
Larie-chan chapter 1 . 12/9/2007
Not naming them due to the fact that they themselves don't name each other was a great move. Kudos to you-dos-eh, that was dumb.
SubtleAssiduities chapter 1 . 8/14/2007
that was awsome! I wish I could have focused of it a little harder though... it was awsome. She was making two seperate poems, right? This was so well written! I love this pairing and it's so hard to find a decent fanfic for them. But this was perfect for me!
Clockwork Mockingbird chapter 1 . 7/20/2007
that was so cool! I really liked that.
Vanguard013 chapter 1 . 1/18/2007
When I first read it I thought 'this story's pretty good' but after I saw that the italicized words were her poem I went back over the story and found that I like it alot more than the first time. It's written really well. Good job!
of wonderlands and alices chapter 1 . 6/18/2006
I loved the poem, nice job. I like how you let us look at this pairing in a different way. x3 The words flowed, and your writing style is admirable. I loved it, awesome job!

MisSs005 chapter 1 . 5/18/2006
Nice! I really liked it! Write some more!
A very odd fellow chapter 1 . 11/15/2005
I thought this was very good, especially for a first time pairing and on short notice. I hope you'll write more shikatem; it's always good to read the relationship from the opposite perspective.
alliedoll chapter 1 . 5/12/2005
that was interesting. a good psychological indepth look at Temari and Shika. I like Shika a lot.
Azamiko chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
that was pretty cool especially the last lines!
Fantastical Queen Ebony Black chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
I thought that was awesome! Very cool, and an original take on the pairing. The poem was well done too, and how it was arranged worked out. Great job!
fightingdreamerccc chapter 1 . 5/6/2005
i love your poem and the way Shikamaru responded to it :
anime-obsessedP chapter 1 . 5/5/2005
Poem...poem...hehehe...u wrote poetry! ! ! ! :P Good job! :D mwahahahaha! Error! Error! hehehe. It's so true! ! ! ! ! an unstained table cloth does look betta, i mean who wants a spotted table cloth? clownie! AH! ANOTHER ONE-SHOT...jeez, always:P new pairing you haven't done before though! hehehe all without saying their names once You know what? Sasuke shoulda shown up once like randomly jsut for the fun of it!:D...or better yet! KAI! K-A-I!...hahaha...don't u love my idea! (i know u probably don't:P) well anyways...update! don't...something...uh yeah_