Reviews for Sleepless Night
LaforayaWattpad chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
AZBrujita chapter 1 . 6/4/2009
I think it's a very cute story and i enjoyed it.
Caya Strife chapter 1 . 9/29/2006
I can't believe I didn't read this ficcie earlier...

What can I say? You really drove the tears into my eyes and a big fat lump into my throat. Even knowing that it was all a nightmare, the descriptions made it extremely touching. I could literally feel the pain in Nami's heart. God, I sound like an idiot'

Anyway, what you did with this piece was awesome. I can only give you my congratulations on that!

Thank you for such a good ficlet!
coco chapter 1 . 1/23/2006
oh! this is so sad! i almost cried! i seriously thought nami was going to kiss sanji in the dream 'cause there was that mini love scene and all. but the ending made me happy again!
Duke chapter 1 . 10/28/2005
"Hey, I liked it!"

lousy friggin author guilt-tripping people into reviewing (grumble grumble) P

great story. a tad on the darkish side, but very well written.

argh 'ships are such annoying things, they interfere with plain enjoyment of good writing (this has nothing to do with the story, but you asked for a review so you are getting a rant...err don't look for logic there). what i mean is if you are expecting romantic tension between two characters, you are going to miss out on simple goodness of the rest of it. meh. talking to oneself is theraputic, even if it is the first sign of insanity.

back to the review thingy. great story, but like i said scary. kinda clenches your heart. the way i got through it is by knowing it wasn't happening (not that it wasn't real-if you are gonna start with that attitude, why bother reading the story?-, but that it was a nightmare). meh denial is a wonderful thing. worked out in the end, but still scary.

write more! ]
HouseOfUsher chapter 1 . 9/24/2005
I like it, I like it! A creepy story with a not-so-creepy ending. And there's no shame in writing a dark story. I love One Piece DarkFics. :-)
Omni-chan chapter 1 . 9/16/2005
*sniff* So sad. break my heart! *bawls*
Code Name Adania chapter 1 . 7/12/2005
Oh, WOW. This isn't just good, it's inspiring. And that says a lot, because my muse is a lazy one who likes eating Doritos and sitting on my mind's couch. Making him get up off his lazy butt is quite a feat! :) You had Nami and everyone elses' characters spot-on, and Sanji being there when she woke up was just the fuzziest moment I could dream of. Definitely adding this to my favorites list! I'll be watching to see if you ever venture into the OP universe again, and in the meantime, I'll hunt down your other fics. Major kudos!
blackfuzzdevil chapter 1 . 6/18/2005
That was superb! You really are a great writer. I look forward to your other stories!
Nostalgia Nut chapter 1 . 6/4/2005
This was the first fan fic on One Piece I ever read.


And to think i never reviewed...

I'll have to put myself in misery for a while *

Anyway your suspense is great! and i'm glad it was just a bad dream. Phew..
Alarwen chapter 1 . 6/3/2005
I didn't think the fic was too dark. And I guess everybody had dreams about losing a very special person. I know I have. I could easily understand Nami's feelings of relief. After one particularly bad dream, I went to check on my whole family to see if they were still breathing. I must have looked like a dork. But after that, I never part with any one of my siblings without telling them that I love them. Quite paranoique. But better safe then sorry.

Please write on.
Suzaku no miko chapter 1 . 5/20/2005
Those type of dreams are always scariest. And I'm sorry you had to go through that. I went through it once and know exactly how you feel. But really, with this fic, you freaked me out. Your imagery is amazing! The pace as well as the descriptions set the mood perfectly and I felt like I was there, experiencing what Nami was going through. Great job there. And how you made it turn out to be all a dream, was a relief for me lolz. But this was great. Keep going! I hope to see more fics soon. _
kitsunegal chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
wow...*closes gaping mouth* wow...*unclenches hands from chair* you really got me there! It was REALLY GOOD! I don't normally get so far into a fic like that are really good! and i loved the authors note at the end, its nice when authors tell why they write something, it kind of brings it to life. You captured the members of the crew so realistically, and most people either don't or can't do that! Five stars, two thumbs up, all that jazz! i'll be lookin out for your other fanfics! - ja!
thechickenlittle chapter 1 . 5/15/2005
this was very awesome! do you have more like this?
Namibean chapter 1 . 5/13/2005
Sorry sorry sorry! I meant to review this story when I read it. I really like it. It's dark, but given the context it wouldn't have worked any other way. It's scary to dream about loved ones dying and I think you did a good job with it. Defenitely one of my favorites. Yay! _
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