Reviews for The Black Piece
zombiekins5948 chapter 17 . 7/9/2015
Love it. Rogue is so powerful. It's awaome
Masquerad3Cat chapter 9 . 4/28/2014
Just wondering, is Mystique's chosen form here for the ball Death the Kid from Soul Eater? Cause that's what I picture every time I read it, asymmetrical stripes included :)
ghg chapter 17 . 4/28/2014
i think its shaw and isemma betraying rogue plzz dont do that and SEQUEL
xevg-x chapter 1 . 4/9/2013
And now the Thieves going to thank the HC?

What impressive demostration of Rogue powers. Asume the're more to come YAY!
anlmoon chapter 17 . 2/5/2013
angel897 chapter 17 . 9/2/2012
intresting story to read
jacksperluvr chapter 17 . 11/5/2011
slightlyxjaded chapter 17 . 11/13/2010
I loved this story! Interesting idea integrating the Hellfire Club into this...they have an agenda and powers all of their own. Another aspect you played out that I really enjoyed reading about was switching Remy and Rogue's roles. Instead of the usual story we're all used to, you made Rogue the (almost heartless) merciless killer. It seems as if only Remy would be able to accept her after all she did (and Logan-go figure hahah)...which is why they are so perfect for each other.

Besides describing the characters quite well, you seem to have a knack for writing fighting scenes. I feel as if I don't get a good dose of violence in enough of these stories, but man, you offer a lot lol.

In general, I really like how you twist some of what was already established by the comics-after all, this is a fanfiction site. Thanks for writing this story the way you did and I can't wait to read more of your works.
Kyonne chapter 1 . 10/23/2010
team underdog6996 chapter 1 . 4/4/2010
this is a great story its not your normal romy but its awsome! :D
samantha chapter 3 . 3/12/2010
just started reading your story today, and so far it's very good! i really like your style of writing and i can't wait to read more! and yeah, i did notice remy's name on the computer list in X2, and i like to think that it's just a profile on him that they got when they may have captured him in the past, but i don't really think that they still have him, i mean, it is gambit after all i'm sure he got away...
Ele chapter 17 . 11/28/2009
OMG i luved it, i cant believe you left it there though im hoping your gunna do a sequal cuz im missing it all ready, (deep breaths) okay... well anyway thought it was great and cya
SilverWolf77 chapter 17 . 8/12/2009
Oh wow I loved it!

It was so dramatic!

Plus, lots of Romy ;).

XOXheartAmy chapter 17 . 5/21/2009
Wow! That was a pretty intense story... Lots of blood, gore and Romy

I'm pretty clueless about the person that freed Carol in the end. At forst I thought it was Mystique, but it's a guy. Then I thought of Graydon Creed, because he hates mutants, but he doesn't have a beef with Rogue. Now I think it's Warren for some twisted, bizarre reason... I'M CONFUSED!

If you still need to know, you can download all four seasons of X-Men: Evolution from iTunes. If you go on the MARVEL channel on YouTube, click any one of the X-Men: Evolution episodes and then one of the links in the video description you can find them. All four seasons together cost about £65
Amakusa chapter 17 . 3/21/2009
Y'know, lately I have been disappointed when reading a story by others. It seems SO good then the ending just blows apart. This is NOT the case with yours. I enjoy endings like these. It keeps in line with the story, at the same time it leads to one questioning what happens next and keeping from becoming too focussed on a mysterious ending, with a little bit of tragedy added in. I like that. It seems in keeping with Carol's character (albeit, I'm not a big fan of hers) but the tragic thing is, she still doesn't realize that she is being used, again. I have one concern, though and that is Emma. I don't like Emma, at all but her character seems to have done a 180 from the beginning of the story. I will reread, though.
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