Reviews for Great Good Indeed
MikariStar chapter 1 . 11/16/2011
I really enjoyed this story
Slayers64 chapter 1 . 9/2/2009
Very cute chapter! Keep up the good work!
BallSabre chapter 1 . 2/27/2009

"In the morning, Gourry would awaken to find Lina pressed tightly against his side, their hands clasped, her chin resting on his shoulder."

That gave me a warm feeling all the way down...

Oh Why, Oh Why, haven't you continued that to the morning as well...

One of the best fics I have ever read!

Write more Slayers Fics! please!
Vael chapter 1 . 8/22/2008
One word! Kawai!
Kaitrin chapter 1 . 6/11/2005
Very enjoyable! I really liked the way you bring all the various threads of the Slayers universes together. Lina comes across as very IC, and I loved the way she was vulnerable, but still very much a risk-taker who damns the consequences.

At first I wanted to see what happened when Gourry woke up, but then again, it works very nicely (probably better in fact) ending it this way. Lina needs to come to terms with herself more than anything!
Ahria chapter 1 . 4/28/2005
I knew a lot of things would have been different, but I never realized the extent of it. Wow. That was awesome. You have real talent! I wish I could have seen what happened when they woke up, but I have the sneaking suspicion that Gourry was awake. Anyway, great story!

I've started trying to work on Ruby Colored Roses... I have no idea if I'll even post a second chapter, but I'm going to try! Thanks for reviewing and all that! _

CallMeMina chapter 1 . 3/17/2005
wow. i;'m glad i'm not the only girl who formulates plans of that nature. lol. great job and it's not so clique as you think. we all do need waft.
Gerao-A chapter 1 . 3/14/2005
Sunny: it is a very well done L/G fic you have made, very good.

Ramon: we also have some L/G fics if you are interrested on puting on your C2.

Alandra: hope to see some more fics from you.

MoonlitEclipses chapter 1 . 3/8/2005
Oh, this was great! I'd absolutely love to see another installment to find out Gourry's reaction. Lina was totally in character, and the whole idea helped the story flow really nicely. Here's hoping you continue :D
Noseless Wonder chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
Interview or not, I still very much believe that Meliroon and Rowdy married. To deny their relationship would unravel the fabric that made "Slayers, the Motion Picture" one of the only watchable OVA's. (In my oppinion - I was not a Naga fan.) Your other reviewer was right... he really didn't give a definate yes OR no... and he does have the tendency of being a little cryptic with his answers sometimes.

Plus, after reading his answer on the page pointed out by your other reviewer, I had to wonder... If you're trying to take the physiology of an elf versus a human into play, one might argue that just because an elf ages slower, does not neccessarily mean they take longer reach physical maturity. \

Story wise, this was a very cute fic. I would have loved to read Gourry's reaction though. Maybe a second part or sequel? _ I believe that the issue you were worried about was far over-shadowed by the story anyway. I loved the characterization... and the way you depicted "the excuse". It was very Lina-like. I'm adding this story to my favs.
Stara Maijka chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
Whoops, the domain for another person I know got pasted in my address by mistake.
BlueJellyFish chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
KAWAII! How cute!I love Lina and Gourry! This was actually very cool! I hope that you write more Lina and Gourry stories! Keep up the great work! Hope to see more of your stories soon! Till then!

BlueJellyfish _
linagabriev chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
That was completely adorable. Although I wish you would have showed what happened at the end, L/G fans know. I've always thought about this subject, and what kind of story I could turn it into to. It was interesting to see Lina find out that Gourry was related to Rowdy. I loved even moreso the indepth look Lina took as she realized what life would have been without Gourry. I think many see Gourry and Amelia as the "coactors" of the anime rather then as main characters but see Lina and Zel being the main characters. (Or at least thats what I see when people write stories of Slayers) I loved how you showed Gourry's true importance to the show. As for Gourry not being related to Mellyroon, I think I heard that somewhere, but I pushed it off as a rumor. I still believe that they are related, and that, in my opinion, also helps the Lina and Gourry equation in that Black Magic helps you live longer in some cases as far as I know (minus the Chaos magic) and being part elf lengthens the life for Gourry. It all works out. In my opinion its been so hard to see any Lina and Gourry stories that are the new stories coming out, or at least the ones I've seen. It's always nice to see L/G stories. Don't stop writing! Awesome job.
vedmid chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
that great... I liked the inner monolouge of Lina in this. While you did pick a good point to end a oneshot I would not objec tin anyway were you to continue with this.
Stara Maijka chapter 1 . 2/4/2005
Thank you for some well-written and thought-out L/G waffiness!

As to the elf blood thing the translated interview is at . .jp/Slayers_Q&

However, most fans don't notice Kanzaka doesn't answer the question directly yes or no. The answer may be delphic. He just says it is impossible that Rowdy married Mellyroon. I believe there could exist the possibility while Rowdy married a human, a descendant of his and ancestor of Gourry could have married Mellyroon or another elf! Elsewhere (I've forgotten where) he says Gourry is forever 22 years old. There's something else for speculation!