Reviews for They Shoot Danes's, Don't They?
Oh-no-she-di'ent chapter 1 . 1/27/2007
Man, that And quippy're very funny. Were you aware of that? I'm going to read on for another couple stories, but you've already made it. You're headed to the favorite author's lounge. I knew you would be when I read the first fic. Three fantastic stories make you worthy in my book, and doing one-shots put you there even quicker b/c my attention span was not compromised. Now, this is a VIP lounge that only has one other guest, so just try to share the space and make sure any visitors are gone by dawn (I'm lenient). I'd like for you to be well-rested so you can provide me with fantastic and timely fanfic-ature whenever I desire it. ;-)

You were born to write this stuff. So glad I ran across your work!
Draco the Lizard chapter 1 . 11/8/2005
It's cute. And as you have more stories in one fandom than I do, I'm not obsessed. And if I am, I'm in denial.

And are Jimmy Choo shoes to Gilmore Girls what Manolo Blahnik shoes are to Sex and the City, or am I confused again?
Xmasgirl chapter 1 . 7/31/2005
Every time I read this story I feel like squeeing. I like the rest of your stories too. Lost count on how many times I've reread your stories. Thanks for writing.
GilmoreDanes4 chapter 1 . 7/14/2005
aw. This was a really good story!
orangesherbert7 chapter 1 . 7/5/2005
im a dancer and im obsessed with all the dance stories. i dont know why. this story is really good. its one of the better dance stories if i do say so myself. so keep writing not this story but just in general although u wrote this story like a year ago, but oh well. keep writing please.
fallingfables chapter 1 . 6/6/2005
Can't believe I haven't read this 'til now, seeing as I'm a huge fan of your work. Loved this story - even though it was mostly dialogue, I never felt like anything was missing. Looking forward to more of your writing!
niccole chapter 1 . 2/24/2005
hmm me likes a lot... maybe we could get a sequel to this story, like what happens when they both wake up in each others arms? (a kiss, maybe some sex, their date?) I'll leave it up to ur wonderfully crative mind.
me chapter 1 . 12/19/2004
hey! wow, i didn't notice that you had a new story up till NOW, and i was so excited! i squeaked out loud. i was given odd looks.


this was amazing, i love how you can get such clear images across and have us know exactly what's going on through just dialogue, with barely anything extra.

PLEASE write more. PLEASE, i HAVE to read more of your writing!

okay. that's all.


Meredith44 chapter 1 . 12/4/2004
Okay, I really cannot say more than others have already said, so I won't even bother trying. Keep up the good writing!
netherfield chapter 1 . 11/1/2004
Wow! Fun and sincere in one sweet package! This just made me smile. And thank goodness for your ability to write perfectly clear and in-character dialogue without pesky tag lines.

And thank goodness for you and your ability to just WRITE (period) because it's a desert out there, my friend.

Always looking for more from you.
hollowpoet chapter 1 . 10/29/2004
Hilarious beyond words!
LuvzAfunEthing chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
great funny...i love the new spin you put on an old eppy...the l/l banter was dead on...and i luv how you opened almost all of the sections with "NO" are one funny person...but you probably already knew that...i luv your work...keep writing
outtabreath chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
I am so happy you are back! I've missed your stories. They never fail to make me laugh and love these characters even more. I will now READ the fic, just wanted to let you know how excited seeing your name as author makes me! (and not in a sick way. Like when I hear there is a new Harry Potter or Undead and... book due to be released)!
Kyizi chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
Oh! That's lovely! *sigh*
spyygirl chapter 1 . 10/28/2004
Awesome! The characters and dialogue were right on, and I knew exactly what was happening just by what they were saying to each other - very cool. Will have to look for your other story (ies). So much more enjoyable than the last few eps on TV...hee.
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