Reviews for The Fan Zone
graust chapter 10 . 4/6/2012
Ha! I can see it now:

A physcopath clambers away from the squirrely onslaught, her fingernails rimmed red. Suddenly, with a mighty squeal, a huge furry gray squirrel with patches of fur missing around its face rakes the physcopath with its laser sharp teeth and growls, "DANNY SHALL BE MINE!" With that, she jumps on to the poor girls head and starts ripping up clumps of wavy, golden hair. Defenseless, the physco reaches up,and tugs the ginormous squirrel by the tail...

I could continue, but I REALLY want to read more.

Anyway, I shower you with cheap red toasters and be off!
serin2 chapter 12 . 2/1/2010
This story is amazing!

Next you should trap Vlad in a room filled with completly lifelike dolls of Maddie, and tell him that one of them IS Maddie. Meanwhile, you have the Fenton's (all of them) watch from another room as Vlad tears the room apart!

When Vlad finally figures it out, have him teleported the same room the Fentons are in and watch the sparks fly!

Ja ne!~
Mega Phantom Phan chapter 12 . 1/15/2010
I REALLY enjoy your story! It's hilarious

i have an idea for you! Maybe they could like lock Danny in a room while he is in his ghost form with Maddie, Jack and Valerie
omgmyyouth chapter 12 . 7/3/2007
Very funny. Love the ending. It was very cute. 50 pounds of sugar for you.

Serena chapter 12 . 7/20/2006
This was...AWESOME! I loved this! It was so funny and sweet (at the end). Wonderful crazyness and great writting! GREAT JOB! _
Your Secret Valentine chapter 12 . 6/27/2006
-does victory dance- YES! D/S ROCKS! -falls off bed-
blindyourears chapter 1 . 5/10/2006
Story added to c2 Green Peace, White Rage
HarryGryffinGirl chapter 12 . 1/18/2006
Hello! *looks at screen name* Whoops. Wrong one. *thinks about the labourous amounts of effort it would take to change screen names* (aka 2 mouse clicks and typing 17 letters into a bar) I realize that in the amount of time it took to figure that out I could have switched and/or created several new screen names, but I prefer to litter the reviwer's board with bad humor and overdone cliches.

(As follows is a convincing argument against freedom of the press)

Right. *checks script* This is the part where I become a kiss- $$. Oh wonderful author! Bestow on me your wisdom and head lice! *checks script* Sorry, head lice comes later. O author, author whereforarte thou author, Deny thy other fanfictions and refuse thy home work, or if thou wilt not be but sworn my cuss words. And I'll no longer be a faithful reviewer.

I had to memorize Romeo and Juliet for English. Can you tell?

Eh, I am putting way too many seconds into this review. You said you wanted suggestions, didn't you? Yeah, in the first chapter you- *glares* Will you stop crying? I'm not that bad a writer! *listens*

You lie.

So! Suggestions!

Uno) Make someone speak old english.

Dos) Invite a kindergarden class

Tres) Include the phrase "If the Artic Bunny Slippers are in Tea Party mode then we can go to the vet and meet Aberham Lincoln.

And for my last suggestion...

Please, in the name of all that is Danny Phantom, put down that gun!
Galateagirl chapter 12 . 1/17/2006
Go Fangirls! But DS is much better! Love the story. If you write more put me in it. PLease? (Clasps hands and bats eyelashes) Yes, that was very weird.
Galateagirl chapter 10 . 1/17/2006
hahahaahaa! I love this story so much, it's so funny!

And it's very weird, Very, Very weird.
Petitio Principii chapter 12 . 8/17/2005
This is so hilarious.
Spiffy McFloogan chapter 12 . 8/16/2005
Awe! I LOVE it! That was so sweet!

Can't wait for more!
ilikedan chapter 7 . 8/13/2005
Gawd was that funny i could not stop laughing! my fav. part was when you said like 20 people in squirl {yeah its spelled wrong sue me} costumes wandering around and then hiding in a garbage pail! please do another thing like that

darkbastet596 chapter 12 . 8/13/2005
k, i've read this before a long time ago; i just read it again and i still think it is one of the funniest things that i have read. i was drinking grape juice when i read the part about the Aztec Box Gods or whatever it was, and let's just say that my computer is a little purple now. i also loved the cattle-pult (haha), the "sugar" incident, and 'O, right. Rabid poodles. Well uh, don't worry. We've got shots for that'. i swear i was so high off that sentence i couldn't stop laughing for five minutes. so thanks for the laugh. i also read Lose Yourself. it was so sad *tear*. if you are not too busy right now, i would like to put in a request for another "Fan Zone". maybe something along the lines of 'danny and sam (and maybe tucker) going to a party and getting horribly drunk and brownies spiked with sleeping powder'. i don't know. i think it would be cool, but don't do it if you don't want to. but if you do want to please do it. cause danny and sam kissing is a really good thing right? so anyway, thanks for providing 45 minutes or so of gut-busting laughter. Hail psycho-suirrel hybrids with eye lasers!
New Belt Pirate Commander chapter 10 . 8/12/2005
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