Reviews for Quantum Scrambled Eggs
shadowfan999 chapter 13 . 8/6/2013
please update this fic with a new chapter i cant wait to see what happens next
shadowfan999 chapter 1 . 8/6/2013
unless this is a self insert can you give me the name of one of your self insert fics if you have written any?

ps:sorry if the review dont have this fic in topic.
Selias chapter 13 . 7/20/2011
Too bad you stopped writing this. It was a pretty interesting story.
CallMeBoo chapter 13 . 4/18/2006
Okay…How may I express my feelings for your latest two chapters in words…


Prehaps I could say….no..wait..that wouldn’t work…


AH! I know.

Two words.



Simple as that. The Slider’s arc so far is fairly interesting, while it was fairly lacking on the action element, it was a nice switch up from the action-heavy Slayers arc. Not to say that action is bad, the switch up is just nice. Though it seems, things are about to start revving up.

Anyways, so far so good Shark. You really just have a knack for this type of story telling. I guess it just has the right mix of screwball-ness to work for you.

Anyways, I’m gonna miss the whole sliders arc, but I guess when you ‘gotta go’ you gotta go.

Well, keep on chugging, you energy-draining-general-of-the-neo-negaverse, you.
Kyrtythren chapter 13 . 4/2/2006
Ah, I almost want to have some argument on communism vs the Republic's government, but I don't think here's the place for it :P

Interesting chapter, again. Not a huge amount happened - I suppoes I was expecting more conflict after the cliffhanger in the last chapter, but thinking about it I cans ee why there wouldn't be much/any. Made it a little more boring, but meh.
Ireane chapter 1 . 2/27/2006
I love your work. Quantum Scrambled Eggs is a classic!
The Liz chapter 12 . 12/28/2005
Still good with the random-ness and the writing-ness. Not sure who Rembrandt is or where he's from. But yeah, good times with the finally reading the new chapters!
BTB chapter 12 . 11/20/2005
Hm... That's thought provoking. In our world, Stalin was mostly a threat to Europe. What conditions would need to exist to allow this possibility? Land bridge in Alaska? Perhaps some early failures in the nuclear program that allowed the Pacific War to draw out and Weaken America? The original plan was to invade Kyushu but depended on resistance being disorganized. In fact the Japanese were aware of the plans and had heavily reinforced the region. Without the atomic bomb, the War could have dragged out another 5 years or more - enough for the Soviet Union to utilize the data the Rosenbergs stole and become the pre-emminent power in the world. So many possibilities...

Nuts! I finally read up on the Slayers series and you bug out of there! Oh, well. I'm a little more familiar with this one. Keep writing!
Ryo-Wolf chapter 12 . 11/12/2005
Well, looks like you've left Slayers and gone to Sliders, leaving behind a lot of readers. Hopefully in this arc you'll actually change some stuff around. The last arc was basically a retelling of Slayers. Try to switch it up with this one, okay?
Tannim Murphy chapter 11 . 8/21/2005
Sliding from Slayers into Sliders? What are you thinking, man? Please don't tell me Rembrant is going to be acting like Gourry. At least have your character start to remember some stuff! Or is this series simply an excuse to tell different stories that you like from different perspectivese? I really would have liked to see something other than what strictly had happened in Slayers. The twist at the end was kind of interesting, except that it was devoid of any sort of revelation as to what that could have lead to. The only, ONLY reason I keep reading is because it's better than the vast majority of SI work, in that at least you're A) not overpowered, and B) not overshadowing the main characters of the series so far.

I'm damnably curious as to where the heck you're taking me with this story. Despite it's inherent flaws, I want to know what happens next. I suppose that's the sign of a good writer. :D
BTB chapter 11 . 8/12/2005
Nicely done. This story firmed up quite quickly to a fast-paced and exciting ending. Slayers here I come!

Now... Who is Rembrandt Brown?

Guess I'll just have to keep reading.
EternallyLost chapter 11 . 8/9/2005
I hope you're happy at successfully losing half your readership by switching to such a series...

Anywho, besides the atrocious grammar mistakes that make me cringe and want to cry, good work.
Kyrtythren chapter 10 . 8/9/2005
Hehe, I like the new description. Looks to be developing quite a lot now (and I really still need to watch slayers so that I know what's different, heh...). And it even sounds like more is coming soon. Whee~!
CallMeBoo chapter 10 . 8/8/2005
*kicks shark*

Good chapter.

Nice, long, though a little more serious than I'm used to from you.

Can't wait to see waht a Gourry minded fella does in the body of the crying man.
EternallyLost chapter 9 . 7/30/2005
I just realized I didn't review this earlier... I've been bad.

Reading the end of this chapter, I realize how confusing it must be to hear the "don't worry, they're on our side now" line.

Good work. Keep it up. But only after finishing the next chapter of Conquer the World.
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