Reviews for Shadow in the Light
Maroon Smoke chapter 16 . 2/19/2016
I'm too lazy to sign in, but my account is called Maroon Smoke. No, this is not a self promotion. Just wanted to say loved the story, and I want to write a DBZ fic after the Cell Games but idk if I could. Do you have any tips?
Luna's Meow chapter 16 . 5/6/2005
Can't believe I lost track of this... Great work!
Gadoken King chapter 16 . 5/2/2005
Sorry I haven't had a chance to review this, been busy... really busy. I hate college. Well, not really, but it IS time consuming. Anyhow. Awesome. I'm glad to see this complete, it gives it a nice feeling of ... well, completion (that came out wrong). I dunno. Maybe, neat... everything tied together nicely, and it is a completely feasable scenario. Awesome you do begin anything new, be sure to contact me, or I'll never see it.
chan chapter 16 . 5/1/2005
You should make a sequal *nods*
miroku-has-darkness chapter 16 . 5/1/2005
awesome update soon
PeaceLover chapter 16 . 4/30/2005
Hiya!great ending!It was such a good fic,it's really sad to see it ,please write more of gohan and Videl_!Great job again!Bye-Bye!
Neptune's Tsunami chapter 15 . 4/23/2005
Hello! Great fic! I can't wait for the epilogue! Hee hee! I'm still laughing about chapter two where you wrote that Hercule 'proptly overbalanced due to the weight of his ego.' That was great! I haven't heard that one before! 'Til next time, toodlez and noodlez!
PeaceLover chapter 15 . 3/9/2005
Hello!So glad you updated!I liked was sad though,I hope Gohan and Videl will be with echother in the end,I Hope so!Please updat soon.
gaul1 chapter 15 . 3/9/2005
good chapter, kinda sad with the wish, hopes every thing works out with videl and gohan in the epilogue, keep up the good work, byes
Angel from Heaven chapter 15 . 3/8/2005
I loved it all! I'm sad that the story is almost over but you did great!
dfcole chapter 15 . 3/8/2005
Great chapter! Plz update soon!
Gadoken King chapter 15 . 3/8/2005
kooky stuff. Now, all that is left is an epilouge and then you are done? ah well, it was fun while it lasted. Don't worry too much about how long updates can take. Sometimes it is neccesary, adn while writing is important, you can't let it destroy your real life. ... or so Ive heard. dont worry! good stuff!
L'autre monde chapter 15 . 3/7/2005
Mweow yay. wonderful. I feel guilty because so many peoples' stories are being nearly finished or finished... and here I am with my three chapter ways... :P... mew. Au revior, I'm waiting on the epilogue.
Les Scribbles chapter 15 . 3/7/2005
Yay! You updated! Another great chapter! I luffed it!
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