Reviews for Curses through a Mirror
Grawpy chapter 10 . 6/15/2005
good story kind of a weird plot but i like where its going
Andromeda Snape-Malfoy chapter 10 . 5/13/2005
Until this point, the story was great. Then it is just cut off leaving things unfinished. Better to classify the story as incomplete and abandoned than to try to claim it ends here.

You've gone to some lengths to describe Harry's current situation and state of mind yet not covered how it turns out. You've given him aims, yet barely had him take a step towards achieving them. You've described a conflict in the relationships between Harry and members of the Order yet not shown us where the conflict is going. You've established the circumstances for changing Snape's view of Harry, but not actually made any progress in their interaction. These ten chapters read like the first chapters of a fifty-chapter story suddenly cut off before it reaches its prime.

Ending with a sudden gift that will fix everything is an awful lot like that cliche which was historically popular with writers of cheap thrillers: '...and in a single bound he was free.' As an ending, it's rarely satisfying.

You've only completed one of the subplots in the story - that of the penseive and mirror - and even that has been wrapped up hastily without any exploration of how Harry recovers or what that last memory was for.

The impression given by ending it this way is that you suddenly got bored of it and quit.

Personally, I'd like to see you return to this and complete it. Like I said, the story itself is great, it's just the ending that's a let-down.


starangel2106 chapter 10 . 4/4/2005
Nicely done. *gives everyone a round of applause* Chips good finish. :D
klxzz chapter 10 . 3/30/2005
omg! it is SUCH A GREAT STORY! I cannot WAIT until u have the next chapter up! please update soon alright ur story is so god! oh! and I also wanted to tell u the thing about the pensieve liquid spiling onto the mirror and harry falling onto it and stuff... that seems like something that JK would come up with... so all in all ur a great autor! keep up the good work~!
flyinghigh chapter 10 . 3/27/2005
RR fics are usually entertaining, I think, because they're humorously disjointed. This one was actually not that bad, and the plot had its high points. I look forward to reading another one. One last thing, though... I thought the ending was a little rushed, since it had built on this relationship between Harry and Snape, then didn't really show that at the very end. Just a thought. Good job, though!
Ysarose chapter 10 . 3/25/2005
Is it just like... thee end?... noo... There is a sequel, right? Anywho, very well done. I have never read such an original idea. It was also weird reading Snape as his snarky self, I like reading severitus
Pleione chapter 10 . 3/25/2005
Great chapter, a very nice ending to the story.
IniRniDefunct chapter 9 . 1/9/2005
Interesting round robin story, though a bit inconsistent. I suggest all of you to try and keep it consistent so it wouldn't scare of readers. This story has a potentional and I can't wait how you will write about Harry's take on the new memories he recieved. Maybe you could send the chapter to other authors of the round robin as a beta before posting.
Tilius chapter 9 . 1/3/2005
Interesting story. Can’t wait for more.
leggylover03 chapter 9 . 12/24/2004
many plot twists in this fic, update soon
NadaZilch chapter 9 . 12/23/2004
Poor Harry. *Shakes head* At least Severus and Remus are on somewhat civil terms. Merry Christmas.
starangel2106 chapter 9 . 12/21/2004
Uh oh. His world went black. Hm waiting for more. :)
chips challenge chapter 9 . 12/21/2004
Great job, Ann. Sorry about all the trouble with getting the right version up (this should be it ). I liked seeing Harry's confusion with all the memories. I wonder what that will be like when he's awake ~ would he be at all coherent? I think it's great to see how the new characters develop and become part of the story. Beautiful )
duj chapter 9 . 12/21/2004
His granddaughter's party is more important than the fate of the wizarding world? Interesting priorities.
pi chapter 9 . 12/20/2004
This chapter is not up to the same standards as the previous ones. I highly suggest getting a very good beta reader to simply check over each chapter in order to maintain a high level of quality. This chapter had many painful errors in it that the previous chapters did not have.

Round robins are tricky in this way: hence the beta reader. A *good* beta reader.
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