chips challenge
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Joined 04-07-01, id: 56282, Profile Updated: 09-14-11
Author has written 1 story for Harry Potter.


Chips challenge is a windows 95 or earlier era puzzle game with almost 150 levels. There's a new version out now called chips challenge, II. It's freeware so if you really want to know what I'm talking about, you can download it. You can get the original version online, too. Just type 'chips challenge' into google. I miss Chip’s Challenge; I haven’t played in a long time – even longer than it’s been since I written any fanfiction. I really don’t like a story that isn’t complete. I have two right now that aren’t complete – The Talisman…(number 7 isn’t complete and thus the whole series isn’t complete) and Freaky! Maybe this time around I’ll finish them. Or maybe I’ll start writing something else and completely ignore them. Who knows? Right now I’m working on completing TVII.

The Talisman VII: The Journey Story Notes:

This is the seventh part of a story that I started sometime in 2001 (?). I stopped in the middle of this part around 2004 or so. Then, I was suddenly inspired to finish it so that’s what you’re seeing here. I re-read all of the Talisman stories while I was on a long (international) flight, and decided that I wanted a more conclusive ending. I’ve always thought that I would get around to finishing this story, but after so many years I was starting to believe it wouldn’t happen. Chapter 10 is the first new chapter that I have written in 2011. I’m not sure if I will post the other 6 volumes – some of them I really don’t like.

Necessary background: Harry was a founder’s apprentice with Snape leading his apprenticeship. Jenner is Harry’s therapist. Something bad happened to Jenner and Harry did not tell Snape. Due to the circumstances of Harry’s choice (not to tell Snape), Harry decided to take a “journey” – a break from his apprenticeship – to make sure that he was doing the right thing and to clear some things up inside himself. Harry begins his journey by staying with Jenner. The Talisman VII is the story of Harry’s journey.

The Talisman VII: The Journey
Harry was a founder's apprentice with Snape leading his apprenticeship. Harry decided to take a "journey" – a break from his apprenticeship – to make sure that he was doing the right thing and to clear some things up inside himself.
Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Angst - Chapters: 10 - Words: 29,236 - Updated: 10/26/2011 - Published: 9/14/2011 - Severus S., Harry P.