Reviews for Adoration
nomnomfox chapter 1 . 2/25/2015
one of my faves!
sazza-da-vampire chapter 1 . 12/15/2007
oh! i didn't realise until the end that Brethilaes is a birch saplings, not an elfling!

great story, btw. I love the writing style.
Me-Nuriko chapter 1 . 10/11/2004
So sweet. That little birch, waiting for the king to come by, afraid he wouldn't appreciate the gift. But knowing the grandeur of the king, and also knowing that her gift was one of value and beauty, she found the courage to present it to him. Very sweet.
the evil witch queen chapter 1 . 7/29/2004
she's a tree? that's such a cool idea. it's so sweet that even the trees love your good elvenking.

well, very good! keep up the good work!
Mommints chapter 1 . 7/26/2004
I stumbled across this with intent of reviewing your other story...this got a review first. lol

Lovely, truly lovely and I thoroughly enjoyed the various scenes that you painted. I was surprised and pleased with the ending, nice twist; I could see Brethilaes swaying in my mind. ;-)
LegyLuva chapter 1 . 4/11/2004
Wow! That was great. Brethilaes was a tree! Now that was very clever. I love how you write.
And I will get round to reading the rest of your other story. I just haven't had time. Keepy writing. You are brilliant at it.
Ruse chapter 1 . 4/2/2004
Very nice! This was a really clever idea, my friend. :) I really enjoyed it...the way you wrote Brethilaes was very sweet! :)
Tolkanonms chapter 1 . 4/2/2004
What a lovely little tale! You paint a good picture: I saw a small sprite of an Elfchild bouncing on one foot, then the other... and I liked the surprise, too - clever!
Lamiel chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
Oh, how sweet! And very creative. Lovely, just lovely.
Ms Whatsit chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
What a lovely vignette! I love your Thranduil. Of course even the trees would have a crush on him!
AntigoneQ chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
Oh, that was wonderful! It's so seldom you see a story that plays on the wonderful kinship the Wood Elves have with the trees!
JastaElf chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
Oh, Karri, this is WONderful! What a sweet story... and so beautifully told! I love the qualities you gave to this lovely young tree, especially I applaud her taste in Elves. (grin) So sweet, that a young tree would have a crush on the King of the Greenwood... it is so sweet!
And of course, he was the soul of kindness, acceptance and regal courtesy... just lovely!
Thank you for making my day!
LasseLanta01 chapter 1 . 4/1/2004
A nice twist, I'm not going to say what kind of twist, for those of you that read the reviews before reading the story *g*. This made my morning, you write some of the best one shots for Thranduil. This should deffinately be high on the "Thranduil Protectors" list. Loved it!
sevilodorf chapter 1 . 3/31/2004
Very nicely done. Especially like the It suddenly seemed flimsy and frivolous ... makes the character even more believable.
Deana chapter 1 . 3/31/2004
Brethilaes was a TREE! That was SO COOL, I loved it! You did an awesome job with this, mellon-nin! It was so sweet! ;)