Reviews for Shattered Dreams
mbyer2054 chapter 1 . 10/5/2015
This was beautiful. You captured the characters and their personalities perfectly. You did it all perfectly. I loved this story more than I imagined I could have. It was so real and inspired. Although it was sad, it was amazing. Thank you.
SuperHeroFan82 chapter 1 . 9/8/2015
:( This is so sad... I cried reading it.
GSYH chapter 1 . 7/30/2011
Big NO.

Srsly, I felt like you stuck a hand in my chest and yanked my heart out, I thought he was getting better! :(

Actually, considering how brilliant Billy must have been at 10, I really thought 'he's intellectually at 10' meant that he would have eventually got better, alas.


Well, I was at:


...and reading through your Before and After series, I'm cheering up now.

Srsly, this story was tearjerking. I think of the Billy everyone known and love, as having died at the time of the accident, and the one in his place is a stranger, but it's a Billy like lovable stranger and awwwwww, it's just, awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.

IT's just, so bad. Fic angst just dragged up some IRL angst too. Of Not Fair and Lost Brilliance, it just reminded me of the whole mess with Thuy Trang (Yellow Ranger). Trang had a hard life, her family was separated from her father due to war and politics, and they only reunited shortly before he died of cancer. She was brought up strong, her father pointed her towards martial arts, and Trang was the one with the irl science background: she got a /scholarship/ to study civil engineering like her dad before an acting scout spotted her. Smart and Strong and Sweet, it's a damn shame we lose people like that so early, it's not fair.
PernDragonrider chapter 1 . 11/17/2010
I don't remember if I ever reviewed this story the FIRST time I read it, but I'm leaving a review now.

I was depressing, but it also was uplifting and fun at times as well. I enjoyed this very much even if I am currently raiding the tissue box and stopping in between words to wipe the tears away and wipe the runny nose that comes from crying.

Not sure if you still write fanfic in the genre, but this was excellent and well worth the tissues needed during the read.

BlueSteelRanger chapter 1 . 11/6/2010
I know I'm inordinantly late in finding so much of this. But I landed on this story in an archive after GeoCities went down.

I rarely read tragic things and...well. This takes the cake. Amazingly written but there's a certain love/hate goig on here. Having worked with multidisabled children and having seen three of my students die from such complications, this one really hit home.

The fact that it was Billy just makes it that much more of a tear-jerker for me, as not only is he my favourite of the odd as it sounds, the name has come to mean something to me. My father's name was Billy.
anna chapter 1 . 8/15/2008
love it!
kikyogirl15 chapter 1 . 7/3/2007
I simply loved this story and u did a great job and keep it up poor Tommy and Billy I really wish Tommy's relation with billy was better, but either way to captured every chracter better then the show had and I thank you for ur wonderful work keep it up! Plz!
ASecretSomeone chapter 1 . 11/15/2005
*sniffs* I love this story so much. It made me cry. ;.; But it's very sad and happy at the same time, which is a confusing feeling. Poor Billy! *cries*
kira chapter 1 . 6/28/2005
It's been a while since you published this story, I know, but hey, good stories never die! So here goes my review...

First of all I'd like to point out that this is such a good story that I'm going to break my own rule of *never* giving "omg I totally love your story!" reviews.

OMG I TOTALLY LOVE THIS FIC! It is so emotional, specially because Billy is my favourite ranger. This has got to be one of the best fics I have read in quite a while. Absolutly well written, nicely done, like I said before, VERY emotional; it made me cry at some points...

Well, I must say I'm cut off words to describe how great your story is. So really, keep up the excellent work! You definetly show some talent!
Sierra Nichole chapter 1 . 12/24/2004

I am speechless. The way you put pieces of the story in between Jason sitting at Billy's bedside, and then him dying at the end . . . PERFECT.

I love angst :)

Starry Nights chapter 1 . 3/4/2004
This was a fantastic story much much much better than the stories that have been posted lately. it was certainly much more different than the usual PR stories.
Great job!
Zadrak chapter 1 . 3/4/2004
There are tears streaming down my face.
I hate to admit this, but i didnt just cry once during that. I cried several times. That has to be one of the most amazing pieces i have *ever* read.
You handle certain topics well, i have a close friend with Epilepsy, and i know how much he hates it when he has episodes in public. And i know what you mean when you write that it doesnt change the way you feel about that person. I like the way you have this story structured. I like the intermitting beeps. You have a true talent. I have also had a look at some of your other work (from the provided link), and i have to comment on how fullfilling reading your work is. Please keep writing.
I have loads more questions, but i'l just be the silent reader and apprechiative reviewer. Amazing work.
cobalt-blue chapter 1 . 3/4/2004
Okay, I read this one from your site a long time ago. However, as you know, I've been using yours and Rap's and Dag's stuff in my classroom for lessons with my fourth graders. I gave them the choice of reading what you've finished on White Knight in Shining Armor (hint, hint) or this VERY sad, VERY Yostie (yes, they know what a Yostie is) story. They chose this one in a heart beat. (You're their favorite author) They say the following about it:
Scott: Why do you always hurt Billy? Darryl's reply: She's a Yostie!
Nadja: I dare you to write one where Trini AND Billy die.
Hector: I like your stories.
Dahlia: Are you oing to write a story with Billy getting sick?
Devaughn: I was bothered by Jason punching Billy.
Keep up the good work.
Nalanzu chapter 1 . 3/3/2004
I remember this fic. It made me cry. I even saved a copy once, because it made that much of an impact. And I don't think I ever told you how much I... I'm not sure if "enjoyed" is the right word. But it was damn well written. Which I expected out of you from the first time I ever found your stuff. Glad to see this here.
Ivydraken chapter 1 . 3/2/2004
Very good! I really liked it! It was a heart felt story of Friendship and Love. wow... I can't wait to read more of your stories in the future. Awesome job!
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