Reviews for Polarity
emilia.lozano.el chapter 12 . 12/12/2016
I know it's kinda late to be reviewing this but.. Are you going to finish it? Because you really should : it's Wonderful.
Pointeiscool chapter 12 . 5/12/2015
If you updated once after 5 years, there's a chance it will happen again, right? I know the chances are slim, but I'd love it if you'd continue the story! I'm really interested to hear how it ends!
Akira Alvina chapter 4 . 6/15/2012
I normally Don't read SW fics. mainly because they refer to thing only in the books, and since i've only watched the movies... yea. I get REALLY confused. this though, i find that i really like. :) It makes sense, and though some of the chrs i don't onw, i understand. i'm not lost without a map here. I'm really glad i stumbled across this fic!

Also, at the beginning of this chappie.. Laley is supposed to be Alley i believe. thought you might like t know. :)
dragonpearlz chapter 12 . 8/27/2011
an answer there is not? So sad.
HMAnon chapter 12 . 2/18/2011
ragingdrumboner chapter 12 . 1/29/2011
Awwwwh poor Obi-Wan, he's being tortured while Owen is safe and stuff! Update soon!

StormBrisingr chapter 12 . 1/10/2011
Exciting! I can't wait to see what's going to happen to the Obi-Wan's!
Tosh chapter 12 . 10/23/2010
Hey i'm really impressed with this storyline, keep up the good work! Wish you could hurry it a little though
Guest chapter 12 . 6/26/2010
Wow, that was such a good story. I hope you update soon! I couldn't stop reading it till I finished. Great job!
zorra reed chapter 12 . 6/15/2010
Sighs, it never fails. I finally find a story I can really sink my attention into and ... it just drops off. *grins* I found this story yesterday when a sudden urge to jump from Inuyasha to Jedi Apprentice struck me. I was taken with the story, the twist on Qui-gon is by far my fav part, but I'm loving how the real Obi-wan is responding to everything. Also, I'm proud of the aulternate Obi-wan for being so brave and willing to go back to his own time rather then damn the good obi-wan to a horrible life he doesn't belong too. I really hope Qui-gon will be able to save both of the boys. They could be brothers. lol. It took you five years to update? Really? You sound like me now :D Well, please do hurry with the next update before we forget all that we've read. Great story!
Mrs. Kenobi chapter 12 . 5/25/2010
YES! FINALLY, an UPDATE! Five years...*glares*

Anyways, this is an amazing FanFic. You'd BETTER update soon, or I'll come after you with my lightsaber. ; )
Cicci Green chapter 12 . 5/3/2010
Omg, you're alive!

And you updated!

This is one of those stories I reread every six months or so, just because it's so well written and so much wonderful Obi-angst and it's just... perfect. And I've always mourned the fact that you were never going to update and that I was never going to find out how it all ends.

And here you are, updating. A miracle just when I needed it.

I'm glad Owen finally gets to feel truly happen, goodness knows he deserves it.

I hope you write more soon, but if I have to wait another five years, I guess I will.
bluedragon1836 chapter 12 . 4/13/2010
I'm hooked! What happens next?
Olivesyo1 chapter 12 . 4/11/2010
Cool beans. I really like the story and can't wait to see where it goes.
Azuma Kio chapter 12 . 4/7/2010
i effing love it! so good. i love stories like these. keep up the great work
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