Reviews for Hallucinations
CryptoSquirrel chapter 1 . 4/26/2009
:D I loved this story! Sirius/Remus is one of my favorite pairings, and you wrote it beautifully! Well done! :) Good luck with future stories!
Marauder's Mad chapter 1 . 8/27/2007
Oh...This was so funny and so sweet ! I liked it !
Liveforthemoments chapter 1 . 10/19/2006
This is truly lovely... well done *gives big hug*
angelofplottwists chapter 1 . 4/21/2006
I am incredibly proud of you. (not that I even know you, I don't think, but slash is very good.) I liked the characterization, and how Remus was convinced he was hallucinating. And how it was light but not fluffy.
wolfchild chapter 1 . 12/31/2004
aw... How cute was that! Very. I love Sirius/Lupin. They're so cute toegther. Wow. That story was so fuzzy. m fuzzy! Cute and fuzzy. Yes, very good.
sleeper6 chapter 1 . 12/9/2004
I just read this and oh wow, it's so pretty. And I liked the way you depicted James-him reading the magazine while acting cool and nonchalant-priceless. SO adorable!
cassandrathevil chapter 1 . 9/29/2004
This was not your first HP fanfic, no less your first slashie-you have got to be pulling my leg! I've read so many great R/S fics. This one is right up there with the tres great ones! Very descriptive, and Remmy's emotions were right on track.

If I knew you I would hug you very hard for writing this! You are the BEST.
Obviously Oblivious chapter 1 . 9/12/2004
So cute!
Tanja88 chapter 1 . 8/8/2004
how adorable!


Fabled Phoenix chapter 1 . 3/29/2004
cool! keep on writing!
Vialana chapter 1 . 2/5/2004
Okay, first up, i'm still moderately new to the fandom (S/R fics anyway), but i've read a lot of Remus/Sirius fics thus far and this is the first i've reviewed, because it's the first i've found that i really thoroughly enjoyed in its entirity.
The characters were believeable, enjoyable, the situations were entertaining, the plot was enjoyable, your writing was absolutely fantastic, style, tone, description, emotion, everything. I absolutely adored this fic.
Brilliant job with this, i think it's fantastic. I'll definitley read more if you decide to write more Sirius/Remus fics ... though i can relate to the reluctance to write a fic in the HP fandom (i have ideas bugging me too, but i'm trying to resist the urge to give in ;)
This story will be on my faves so i can read it over again continually.
Fuschia Nicole chapter 1 . 1/30/2004
That was AWESOME. I loved that, though the end didn't really compare to the rest, their reactions were a bit unrealistic, but aside from that I loved it. Great story!
embyr81788 chapter 1 . 1/28/2004
Congrats for writing ur first HP fic. And how good it is! Haha.
uozlulu chapter 1 . 1/6/2004
Splendidly done! I give it 8!
Rynne Lupin chapter 1 . 1/3/2004
Definitely impressive, for a first slash fic. Very cute, and I thought you managed to keep the boys in character remarkably well. And I really like that it was long. I'll be putting it on my favorites list, and I hope you write more R/S soon.
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