Reviews for Through Time and Back
The Hellsent chapter 5 . 7/26/2012
By the way, your name is Mido. This was a rather humoring chapter. It shows a bit more the developing friendship the two of them have. The innkeep, I imagined that overly muscular sensitive type of anime character who had his head down, crying with an arm covering his face as he wept. Classic. Still, good so far.
The Hellsent chapter 4 . 7/26/2012
A glorious fight scene at the end. I almost feel a bit saddened for Siegfried due to the onslaught of guilt trips he's been on. From father to thousands of innocents and with the leaf it reminds me of Prototype: Mercer/Heller both can see knowledge and memories of those they have literally consumed and can recall the knowledge instantly. Very good, very good.
The Hellsent chapter 3 . 7/26/2012
Another good chapter. Yet you said if I were still interested in reading, well, I have new fiction or a revisited one (idk) that I will be actively reading. Siegfried, well, best way to go is showing no fear.
The Hellsent chapter 2 . 7/26/2012
Cringeworthy? Haha, still a good read. Through reading it seems more of Nightmare is still present within Siegfried. Remaining evil you can say and that could be what is luring him as well as what makes him susceptible to Soul Edge itself. I believe it's a Brown Recluse's venom which attracts others of its breed to the bitten victim yet in this case, well it's somewhat the same. A good chapter with some sour green potion.
The Hellsent chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
The chapter, I liked. As much as can I say, re-reading this is worthwhile. I'll keep reading and read the rest of the fiction. Congratulations on the chapter again to.
The Unplanner chapter 2 . 7/14/2012
"Thank is" for writing! I hope they don't just keep running from ALL their they?
The Unplanner chapter 1 . 7/14/2012
I'll say! I couldn't find anything cringe-worthy at all! Great stuff here!
Daicha chapter 31 . 6/8/2012
Good chapter
darkwings13 chapter 6 . 5/17/2012
Whew, this is certainly late but I just wanted to say that I enjoy (immensely) beta-reading this story! It's got a good plot right from chapter one, good details, awesome action scenes and great dialogues. Definitively a very well written story that has alot of heart in it Icy Cake.

Now that Link has the Master sword, hopefully their journey should be slightly easier and I think it'd be hilarious of Sophitia's husband and Yun-Seong see little Link with that sword XD

I'll try to shove aside some time to read your next chapter my friend. :D
Layagg chapter 30 . 4/19/2012
Interesting turn of the story. I didn't expect Aeon to appear like that and I didn't expect their stay in that void dimension to be that long-four years! I love their conversation. It was so tender and sweet and the closing dialogues and turn of the events were so fitting.

I'm very late in this but congrats on finishing your story. This is quite a feat. I envy you on this. I hope to finish a multi-chapter story of my own, too. But enough of me. You've done a great job!
Layagg chapter 29 . 4/19/2012
Wow. This was really some epic battle. It got me page turning page by page (well, I printed it). Interesting turn of the story to bring them to that dimension. And I thought they would return to their original selves immediately. I was as disappointed as Link. Well, they did grow back but later. And when that happened, I was really curious. It took them 29 chapters as kids and it was really interesting to see them back as adults again.

The battle with Nightmare was really intense and with the way you described him as berserk and attacking like crazy and moving fast, it was very thrilling. So again, good job on this.:D
Layagg chapter 28 . 4/15/2012
Hi. Another review entry from me. I'm quite a slow reader nowadays. Two weeks to read chapter. That's way too long.

Well, enough of the rants..

What I like in this chapter is the urgency that I felt as I read this. Everybody has been injured and there is that impending sense of doom as the chapter goes by-especially near the end. When the raven gave the location of Link to Nightmare, I was like: Oh, boy! I like the pacing. Great depiction of it all, over all.

And nice cliffhanger, too, at the end. Makes me want to read it immediately. I'll try to post another review for the succeeding chapters. Bye.
Layagg chapter 27 . 4/4/2012
Hi. I'm very sorry for my really delayed review (like months). I've wanted to read your chapters long ago when I saw your updates but sadly, my very busy schedule prevented me. I printed it so that when I'm not home and I have the time, I could read it. Well, anyway, here it goes:

Again I got lost. Teehee. I didn't even know which chapter I last posted my review and read. I have to search through my posted review history to know that. And I forgot the plot before which slowly came in fragments (like I had amnesia) as I read the chapter. But all these are rambles and not really reviews. So here it goes (for real):

Having not read your fic for so long and forgetting the feel of your style, I have to say I had fun reading this chapter like it is my first time. There is a sense of epic adventure as I went through the first paragraphs. The descriptions regarding Raphael's bout and defeat and his demise was all together surprising and was really well written. I felt like I was dying like him (which sounded really weird when it came out from me. lol).

Battles are very detailed so I could really see the struggle they had in fighting Nightmare. And wow! Team mode vs Nightmare! I like the teamwork they displayed in fighting him.

Currently, I'm somewhere in the middle reading the next chapter. I'll try to finish it soon (maybe after the weekends) and post a review.

And thanks for reviewing my story SC: An Epic Saga. I'm stuck in the middle of writing the succeeding chapter. My stories are put on hiatus as of now.

heather chapter 3 . 3/26/2012
Please let us know on your profile when all edits (big or small) in all chapters are done.
Quathis chapter 31 . 3/8/2012
That was a much more fulfilling ending for me. Thank you for sharing that. I greatly enjoyed the teasing of Siegfried and his mock serious responses. Well for the most part they were mock, as I think that he really was getting annoyed with Mi-na's attentions. I look forward to any sequel you have to share about this fantastic adventure. Until next time.
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