Reviews for Tuer To kill
Rain for Eponine chapter 1 . 8/15/2005
Indeed he had won...but at what price?

The imagery was...(for lack of better word) beautiful. How it must feel (if he were a real person) to look at yourself in the mirror and kill yourself with your own reflection...

Well, I suppose I'll stop being depressing and just tell you this: Bloody brilliant. _
GinnyAndDracoForever chapter 1 . 12/11/2004
excellent. please keep up the good work.
rinkurocks chapter 1 . 6/6/2004
wow scary...poor Draco ;_;
Boomkat14 chapter 1 . 6/1/2004
That was SO sad! But I love it anyway. You are an exceptional writer. I intend to read more of your stories. .
Aleex Needs Silence chapter 1 . 5/24/2004
::sigh:: Beautiful darling, just beautiful. I love it, even though I'm not really into suicidal things because of, uh, let's just say some bad memories. Anyways, the imagery is just so...uh, can I saw beautiful again? And the feelings, the way you described them, are absolutely touching. Kudos hon, kudos. -Aleex-
Slythergryffinpuff chapter 1 . 2/21/2004
I love this sory it is one of my most favs because it is so... so real to me that it makes me cry. love it so much i will read it every time i need to cry.
chuya chapter 1 . 1/23/2004
This reminds me of the Evanescence lyrics...
"I've been looking in the mirror for so long.
That I've come to believe my souls on the other side.
Oh the little pieces falling, shatter.
Shards of me,
To sharp to put back together.
To small to matter,
But big enough to cut me into so many little pieces.
If I try to touch her,
And I bleed,
I bleed,
And I breathe,
I breathe no more."
- Breathe No More
I really like this though I'd think Draco would fight rather than kill himself. His suicide won't really harm Lucius, well not enough anyway.
Caitie chapter 1 . 1/14/2004
That was amazing. It was really, really good. I especially liked "the graveyard of dead wood, polished and shined to hide its rotting". It kind of sums up Draco. And the way he kills himself with the mirror is great, too. Very deep. Personally, I don't like suicide, since it doesn't change anything, but you did the reasoning very well. Nice work. I can't wait to read more from you if its all this good.
Joselow chapter 1 . 1/4/2004
Wow. This is exceptionally well done. The story is so sad, yet you tackled it with amazing writing skills. I can hardly believe that it was even possible, but you have truly defied all odds. Keep up the great work.
quadi9 chapter 1 . 12/7/2003
this was terribly sad, which made it all the more better. Draco go bye bye but... its better that way, right? ::cries:: right? ::ahem:: but anyways... lovely job, dear. peace love n sodomy
Catmint chapter 1 . 12/7/2003
So, so sad. Good story.
RachelRiddle chapter 1 . 12/3/2003
Wow...there is no other word for it. All the rest of the words just arent good enough for this story. I also agree with everybody else.
Psychozzy chapter 1 . 11/16/2003
DRACO NO! lol, yeah. That was great, I've written a lot of Draco suicidal stuff or at least Draco depressed, but I've only submitted one thing and it's a w.i.p. but I really like that stuff just because I like to think of Draco as a real kid and not just some cold-blooded monster. Anywayz, I have to go take a shower so happy writing and could somebody plz review An Echo of Echo, I have no reviews for it and I live on them! -Ozzy-
angelsplash67 chapter 1 . 11/15/2003
wow... what an image, of Draco smiling as he dies... so well written and...just perfect.
Cinnamon Angel chapter 1 . 11/12/2003
GREAT! you've just gave me inspiration for a one shot! be proud of you!

I like the part with the mirror, I hate them. I hate how they show jsut the superficiality when they're so much hidden beneath.
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