Reviews for Fairy Tails Through Cages
JoriWinter chapter 4 . 11/7/2009
I love this because you are evil.
Arabella Lee Smith chapter 4 . 12/9/2008
This is a delightful parody! And how funny that it was written well before DH was published. now Tales of Beedle the Bard is coming out. But I bet these tales are as funny as JKR's , or funnier! Thanks for sharing this!
calicogoat chapter 4 . 9/13/2008
"Alas, my dears. True beauty and brilliancy are always bound to rouse envy and jealousy. D.U."

Which explains her hatred of Minerva McGonagall. HA!

Damn, you are doing a fine job with these stories! You captured Umbridge's cruel, self-righteous tone perfectly, which means that every time I finish re-reading these brilliant tales, I want to go off and strangle something.
rayama chapter 2 . 11/23/2006
LOL! THat was great! AND so true to form!
katdemon1895 chapter 4 . 8/18/2006
unbridge has no idea what reality is like
Mutantkillerfrog chapter 3 . 10/13/2005

dear lord how can you stop here.

Continue please (with a cherry on top!)

Hope to see more of your two stories soon,

Bagge chapter 4 . 10/7/2005
Wonderful idea! Easiest the best Umbridge-fic I have ever read!
Delaine chapter 2 . 9/12/2005
Too funny! Laughed out loud! "He couldn't remember his father. Maybe just the taste." Ha

Nice work.
Lucy chapter 4 . 5/3/2005
That was...very strange. In a totally good way:D
InsanityInside chapter 4 . 4/22/2005
Hehehe... Great furry tails... err... fairytales... whatever... especially the one about the little werewolf. hehe... the silver spoon of doom! lol (:
Jan. McNeville chapter 4 . 10/26/2004
Those very strange. But very suitable for Umbridge, long may she roast. I enjoyed that story.
Moonrunner chapter 4 . 9/10/2004
HA! This is great! Umbridge is perfect. But if she insults centaurs, werewolves, or vampires(Gnawing bark? WTF?) one more time I'm going to stangle her.
minerva's pet chapter 1 . 9/3/2004
HAHAHA! that is so umbridge! can't wait 4 ur next chapter
Harry Hippie chapter 4 . 8/30/2004
Plotter, Measly, and Deranged! HA! Lovely play on words, my dear. Utterly hilarious! Very Umbridge-y
Harry Hippie chapter 2 . 8/30/2004
HAHAHAHA! I like the part about the grandmother giving a werewolf silver! HA! And the whole thing with D.U. and the "esteemed authorities"!
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