Reviews for Always Pure
purpleradiance chapter 1 . 4/16/2016
really thorough!
ComicalEpiphanies chapter 1 . 6/10/2010
Wow. What can I say? Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I love it.
magdilen chapter 1 . 2/26/2009
Good job.
Acriym chapter 1 . 3/28/2008
Oh my...That was so touching...How could she do that to him?

This was so beautifully written...I think you portrayed Regulus' character perfectly. This has become one of my favourite fanfictions...
Princess Electra chapter 1 . 9/10/2005
This was an incredibly beautiful, touching story.

Writers rarely delve this deeply into the character of Regulus.

I commend you for a superb job!
Purple Loom chapter 1 . 6/23/2005
Amazing story, a bit late for reviewing now, but hey it was recomended and now I know why
Meeee chapter 1 . 12/15/2004
I love this fic! What more can I say? You really get into Regulus' mind, and show us a pretty accurate portrayal of his life. _~ I think Regulus is actually a pretty sad character . . . He really wanted acceptance from his family, and had his parents' beliefs pounded into him well. His ending is sad; especially so since he tried to back out . . . and we all, I think, have had a moment like that at some point in our lives: a moment when we realized we were in something too deep (perhaps something wrong) and wanted out.
Iniga chapter 1 . 8/21/2004
This is a great take on Regulus from what we know of him. Great ending, too, and nicely foreshadowed.
Anmylica chapter 1 . 8/14/2004
I like this. Very much. In fact, I got a plot bunny for Regulus Blac as well. But it won't be posted until I finish writing it on paper, and then transfer it to Word. Then, I'll post chapter by chapter. That way I'll be done with it.

Loraliant Angelisa Snape
redfirelily chapter 1 . 8/11/2004
I loved that story!It's one of the greatest stories I've ever read!Truly wonderful!
TRF chapter 1 . 6/9/2004
Ah, that made me sad!

I've got a new obsession with stories about Regulus, and this has been one of the best!

Pheep chapter 1 . 3/21/2004
Woah! That was fabulous. I mean, just really, really, very impressive. Your interest of the Black Family has created an exceptional fancic - the ending most of all, by the way, blew me away. Question, though: When the sorting hat is talking to him, shouldn't there be a mention of Ravenclaw, because of his "joy for learning"? Just a thought.
Now, moving on: This is great stuff. Everything is incredibly written, and flows really well. Fantastic work.
MurasakiNeko chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
Wow, that was beautiful, very lyrical. I enjoyed it a lot. I'm into Regulus's past . . . you depict him very well.
JellyBellys chapter 1 . 2/10/2004
Oh, very good! I feel sorry for Regulus Black, and I think you wrote a very good story about him and his motivations. Obviously he wasn't completely evil, if he tried to back out, and I like how you showed that. Also, Alycone is a rotten bitch, (good job!) and hopefully ended up dead from some aurors.
Lord Elrond of Hogwarts chapter 1 . 2/3/2004
Omg! I never saw that coming! *blinks* I am still processing the information. Wow! Okay, now that was really, really good!
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