Reviews for Mibu Saints
Ali-chan et Vani-chan chapter 8 . 1/9/2007
Hello, we wanted to contact you because we would like to traduce your fanfiction «Mibu Saints» into french. We also wish to have your permission before we publish anything. So could you let us know if it is alright with you?
The Talentless Hack chapter 8 . 7/10/2006
I am so sorry I only just now stumbled on this fic, but completely delighted. SO freaking hysterical. The Boondock Saints is one of my all-time favorites (God love the McMannus brothers...oh wait, he does ;)), and I'm having a blast reading this thing. I like the addition of the girls, even though I was sure at first that I wouldn't; the scene with their mother was hysterical; and nobody makes a better Rocco than Sano. Kinda wondering who from the RK cast is going to round out the "Three," though. I'm thinking Hiko, for some reason...

A mix of a few of my favorite things: Saitou and dark humor and The Boondock Saints. And having Saitou utter possibly my favorite line in the movie ("I'm strangely comfortable with it.")? Classic. Here's hoping you don't abandon this fic!
Jasmine Reinier chapter 7 . 5/22/2006
Okay, other review got cut off. _##

I love Boondock Saints

I love Saito and Aoshi

I love this ficcie

I do wish you would update this, eventually. If you DO, I want you to know that I will scream with joy. A girl can, after all, hope. _

This was HILARIOUS, and I didn't think the characters were OOC at all.

Jasmine Reinier chapter 8 . 5/22/2006
Lexi Teniro chapter 8 . 5/22/2006

My favorite characters. My favorite movie. One fanfiction.

I officially love you.

_ But seriously, this ROCKS. The sexiness factor is OFF THE CHARTS for those three, and I'm glad you put some female characters in. That's the main part the movie is lacking. ( XP ). But YAY THIS IS SO FUNNY!1!eleventyonehundredandone!

Please update ASAP! -
ak0 chapter 2 . 10/9/2005
(Yay I made it to chapter two)

Sexy naked men always a plus. Aoshi and Saitou are like kids but not all at the same time. So cute!
ak0 chapter 1 . 8/5/2005

I've read this before awhile back. And today I watched Boondock Saints (also was curious about the two sexy boys since the first time I read it) and I remembered this and told myself I must read it again. And I have. And I enjoyed it. Then the brain said, "Hey, maybe if you leave her a review it might persuade (Ha or remind?) her to update [by January or something]..."

The language was great. Heh. It works very well especially since it's modern day kind of deal. I didn't find the characters that OOC. Not even Misao.
Senaca chapter 8 . 3/29/2005
Whoo! That was 8very well written chapters. Please update soon, I can not wait to read the next chapter.
kenni chapter 8 . 2/10/2005
hey! l like this fic. it's freakin hilarious. cruel humor is fuckin funny. i haven't seen the movie this fic is based off of, but i'll definitely check it out. the juxtaposition of scenes are easy to follow and i like the blunt descriptions when setting the scenes in the earlier chapters. now it seems like the story is getting darker and starting to lose it's dark humor. also with the girls getting more involved in the story, will they become liability to the guys? btw, who's the third saint? i'm guessing it's kenshin-with pink wings and a matching boa! keep up the great work! kenni
Miburo Kid chapter 8 . 12/27/2004
Wow, this is funny and cool. Usually most fics will make em still use swords even in modern times. But I think this is the first time I've read the RK main chracters use anything else other than their swords in modern times. The movie that you parodied it on sounds cool. Never seen it though. Maybe I should look for the DVD or somethin'. I think in chapter 7 when Tokio got possesed she said something about: "The Three shall spread their darkened wings..." Who are the Three? Saitou, Aoshi and...? Is it Sano or Tokio? The possibility being Tokio is because she has some kind of wierd sixth sense now doesn't she? But I don't think she's like the it could be Sano. So anyways I like this story and hope that you'll update soon!
mimura no miko 19 chapter 8 . 11/30/2004

you may not know me, but i like your story.


you had to involve TWO of my favorite rurouni kenshin bishounens in this?

well, I LOVE IT!

keep writing this, i like the way it's turning out...

i even have plans on printing it!

that goes to show how much i LIKE it!
Cherry Delight chapter 8 . 10/24/2004
Sorry about this ridiculously late review! I started school, girl, and university is not cool at all!

But i have read Chapter 8! "Skippe!" *laughs too much* The last lil section was teh bestest, though..."I'm strangely comfortable with it," indeed! Of course, i always love a new chapter...they make me happy beyond all reason.

I got one thing to ask, though. The girls! They seem to be gettin' more and more air time - are they gonna be as involved in the rest of it? *admits shamefully that she is sad that they are cutting into her A&H time*

Don't hate me! I love it, and am glad you're back!

Yours truly,

Cherry Delight
Larissa Hyuga chapter 8 . 10/4/2004
HEllo! Here I am! WOW! I LOVED the way Meg just act. i do like when she has her guts( what never happens into my stories)! wow, everybody 's so delicate with women here, but i am really loving ths story. hope the update won't take 6 months!

oh, and the language full of bad words help things getting dymamic, nice and very well written! i just felt for the poor cat last chapter...
nannon chapter 8 . 10/4/2004
Yay, your back! Cool chapter
JadeGoddess chapter 8 . 10/4/2004
um ok i am a little confused but partly because I have read this story in a while, I am guessing that Sano is being framed for something?
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