Reviews for Crimson Dawn
Darkknight333rd chapter 2 . 10/20
Good story
rswknight chapter 2 . 10/20
Fun start. Looking forward to more
klbjr chapter 2 . 10/16
Wonderful story you have here. Never really read something like it involving the yakuza and is really liking naruto and ino so far. also can't wait for the shit show between ino's parents.
insanemaelstorm chapter 2 . 10/16
This was interesting. Love the idea being a criminal empire head. Like how ino was portrayed and how she impressed Naruto's new mother. Like how Naruto interacted with tenten and inoichi. Can't wait to read more
AbnormalApathy chapter 2 . 10/16
This is good and i dont have any gripes that come to mind regarding the story itself. i also havent checked out your other works just yet, that comes next. my only real gripes are about the authors notes and other stuff at the top of the page.

Personally i, and many others i can think of even if i cant name them off the top of my head, prefer authors notes at the bottom of the fic. i, personally, dont put authors notes at the start of the fic unless im explaining something about the story that i wont otherwise cover. as for your review answers? the same thing, put them at the bottom. i actually dont mind the recaps as long as they stay roughly the same length as in this chapter, that is no more than a paragraph or two.

As for your discord thing? why? put it on your authors page if you havent already and leave it out of your fic. maybe mention it in an authors note and say to look for the link on your profile?
Salazar1537 chapter 2 . 10/14
Holy shit that was some chapter. Great way to end it.
T-B-R chapter 2 . 10/12
Oof, savage end of chapter.
Ashkan Dehno chapter 2 . 10/12
Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far Great Chap, keep up the awesome job Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far Great Chap, keep up the awesome job Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far Great Chap, keep up the awesome job Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far Great Chap, keep up the awesome job Damn this is a masterpiece and definitely needs to be read. And incredible job Author-san and keep up the amazing job you've done so far Great Chap, keep up the awesome job
joey91731 chapter 2 . 10/11
can't n wait for an update is ino's mom ever going to be ok with naruto?
FenreldStormblade chapter 2 . 10/8
hahaha oh Asuma and Himiko are in deeeep shit. looking forward to their consequences and what Inoichi will do.

I look forward to the next chapter
Zabzab chapter 1 . 10/8
You know, I'm not against the good ol' "it was all fake, Naruto's actually intelligent" trope. I don't /like/ harems but I've learned to not pay attention. I'm all for wish-fullfilment because fiction IS, at its very core, wish-fullfilment. I've read another work you wrote (can't remember which one) and found it decent so I decided to try this. What could go wrong?

Everything. This isn't wish-fullfilment anymore, you're choking on Naruto's fictional dick and it's extremely cringy to read. Had it been only the dialogues, I could have bought it: a bunch of 16 y.o being crass-mouthed isn't surprising. But your narration is constantly strocking Naruto and belittling the other characters. Because of course, let's make Asuma a detestable dick (I dont even like Asuma but this is JUST to justify Kurenai sucking Naruto's cock. So. Original.), let's make Sakura a retard and Kiba an idiot while we are at it. Let's make Sasuke seeth at an insult even though he doesn't care about Ino's opinion, which just proves he does and you're contradicting yourself. Oh, and let's not forget to give every male present a small peepee because it makes Naruto the manliest man.

You joined this website in 2001. We are in 2020, which makes you at the very least 19 and more probably something like 27. So let me ask you a question: aren't you done with being a child? Because what you wrote here? It's something a 10 y.o would write.

Why do I bother? Because. You. Can. Do. Better. The day you refuse the easy path of the wankfest, you'll certainly produce something awesome.

Best writing to you,
Naruto009523 chapter 2 . 10/8
Well great chapter keep up the great work. About the harem can you add Samui to the harem as well? She is one of my favorite girls in Naruto and I would love to see her in the pairing. Plus it would be better for him to have more than just Yugito loyal to him in Kumo.
sakura89luis chapter 2 . 10/7
Great story so far, looking forward for the next update.
bobby4million chapter 2 . 10/7
does not seem to bad can't wait to see what you will do with it
WhateverPlus chapter 2 . 10/7
I like this chapter, continue please.
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