Reviews for Secrets of the Forbidden Spinjitzu: Season 11
Guest chapter 21 . 7/18
When will you be working on Prime Empire
SandNinja GS chapter 21 . 7/14
Excellent ending. Side note: If Skylor were to get pregnant, would Wu actually be really disappointed at him, or be proud?
SandNinja GS chapter 17 . 7/7
Excellent chapter. But, I gotta ask, what was Jeanette’s reaction when Cole scared the kids and Boma and Uthaug found Lloyd’s sleeve in The Message?
T3ddyBearL0ve chapter 17 . 7/7
Krag! AWWW I miss him :'( I wish they could bring him back.
ColdWaterChicken chapter 13 . 6/30
AHHHH I remember that one summer night last year when I stayed up late just to watch this episode. Nostalgia. :’)
ColdWaterChicken chapter 12 . 6/28
You just write how many chapters you want—isn’t that what this site is for? :)
SandNinja GS chapter 11 . 6/25
I wasn’t expecting that
Slovakia girl chapter 8 . 6/22
Aww! It is a fantastic chapter!
SandNinja GS chapter 8 . 6/22
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15
So…I wonder how Jeanette going to feel about Akita especially when Akita kisses Lloyd on the cheek
SandNinja GS chapter 6 . 6/13
Seems okay. Wonder which group Jeanette goes to in the next episode