Reviews for Akumamonogatari
Ruberforumfree chapter 3 . 7/11
Shinobu best wife XD
Ruberforumfree chapter 2 . 7/11
I don't get why the MC is not Romancing the super hot vampire? Even in the series of Monogatari I never understood it... is he going to romance her in the future? Because If I'm just gonna read the same old harem without Shinobu then I'm not even gonna bother.
123ABIR123 chapter 3 . 7/3
Amazing story pls continue updating it
Sageofchaos chapter 3 . 6/20
hope to read more.
Elias Kotz chapter 3 . 6/14
I love it, I love everything about it, please god never stop
T-B-R chapter 3 . 6/14
Donut power rising!~
Guest chapter 3 . 6/14
Spartan3909 chapter 3 . 6/14
Thanks for the chapter _.
FateBurn chapter 3 . 6/14
Excellent chapter like always can't wait for the next one
deathinplay chapter 1 . 6/14
Oh my god, this chapter was awesome
BorderLand chapter 3 . 6/14
Ok this was so enjoyable and Issei talking about OP powers like they are no big deal is awesome. I can barely wait until they learn of Booster Gear and Rias passes out when she realized that her totally broken vampire overlord also has the power of a heavenly dragon and a body that can take any number of boosts via vampiric regeneration.

Think about it, full vampire Issei with balance breaker can curb stomp most DxD cast. Please don't nerf him outside reducing his vampiric level, it would be such a waste.
Jarvis R. Yeriel chapter 3 . 6/14
It's official: this story is on-par with Dance with the Devil.

If I were you, I would give this story the highest priority. Dance with the Devil and Perfect Storm would come next, followed by Cat Scratch Fever. Those four are your best stories, by far.
OechsnerC chapter 3 . 6/14
Awesome update. Wonder if does have a sacred gear would be cool if he did
Curse of Whimsy chapter 3 . 6/14
Well, Rias can strike 'being compared to a prostitute by an immortal apex predator' off her bucket-list. Well, she could have if Shinobu had said it out loud, shame, that.

The flashback gets me every time, it's this otherworldly, dream-like haze at some points, and then suddenly snaps into 'oh shit, this is real'. Thankfully, both the boobs and the fluff was saved in typical Issei fashion, and I really hope you do more scenes from Kiss-shot's perspective when appropriate.

Also got a kick out of Kiss-shot laying down the law, firmly establishing best girl, but also shamelessly allowing herself to be bribed by donuts. Its those 'contradictions that somehow make sense when it's Shinobu' that are one of the many things make the character so fascinating.

And it still feels like DxD, you've really balanced the cross-over well so far.

I'm having an immense amount of fun with this, and I doubt that'll ever stop.
TheLaughingStalk chapter 2 . 6/11
LOVE IT! keep up the great work
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