Reviews for Stockholm Syndrome
Holy shit chapter 2 . 7/30
Wow I remember thinking a bit about whitebeards way of recruiting but damn it's scary af because they really took ace by force into their crew. He really has Stockholm syndrome.

I am really disgusted because even if they did want to have ace on his ship to help him he still was in a vulnerable state of mind. He was taken by force and weak.

Holy shit. The parts where you described how ace was desperately trying to get away from them and the commanders forced him down made chills go down my spine. I had a feeling of terror the entire time. Wow. Thank you for writing this.

Now I don't know what to think about them
Alexy chapter 2 . 7/19
My mind is blown by how meticulous your writing is. There are so many important details, and I laughed out loud at the fact that Ace hasn't returned the damn book lol.
Also, I've read a handful of your stories and although it's obvious that the WB Pirates view their fellows as siblings, it's refreshing to read this kind of relationship between Ace and Marco as an aromantic person. I enjoy MarcoAce but Ace is so young, so confused and so self-deprecating, I find it hard to imagine that he can even think about romance in canon and to be honest, I'm in love with Marco so Ace's efforts to remember every detail about people he cares about gives me life.
Leaves Falling From a Tree chapter 2 . 7/9
My lord, I did not expect this series of events. You’re keeping me on my toes here haha, anyways, I loved this chapter! The pacing is perfect, it’s as if every word carried a purpose and there is no useless words or sentences. The balance between dialogues and monologues are great as well, while some stories have more of one or the other, I find that yours has the perfect balance of both! Keep it up!
Leaves Falling From a Tree chapter 1 . 7/9
Holy shit, I’ve came across this story a few times but never really bothered with it, finally I decided to give it a try today and your writing just blows my mind! This is one of the greatest fics I’ve read and it’s only the first chapter! You got me hooked immediately with your writing style, characterization, and plot. Can’t wait to read more from you.
TroublesomePhoenix chapter 2 . 7/4
Oh ho! This took a turn I wasn’t expecting! It’s not often the solution with Ace fics is to take a leave, I really enjoy this route~
The fight between Ace and Marco had my gut twisting and made me a certain kind of way but I’m so excited to see how it develops. I’m excited to see how Ace develops too, how this journey on his own helps him figure himself out- poor guy needs some space to clear his head and assess himself.
Love this chapter and the story!
entergrg chapter 2 . 7/1
I like the way you portrayed Ace as a troubled teen who is just trying hard to make sense a confusing world around him. Thanks for the update! :)
Nido chapter 2 . 6/26
Oh poor Ace. He wanted to hug Marco. But he didnt. And Tatch is so kind to him and whitebeard worry about him and so much feels. And Sabo. Just Sabo. You write their relationship so well. I cant wait to see Ace stop being an idiot. Come back home and apologize to Marco.

Your writting is amazing as always. I follow every single story that you write and nothing make my day like seeing an update. So thank you for your work. You are very talented.
Azufyra chapter 2 . 6/25
This chapter was perfect ! Really perfect ! I am so impatient to read the next !
BibizinhaBR chapter 2 . 6/22
Aaaaarrggggg so goooood. Geez, I can't wait for the next one. There's so few writers that make me feel like this.
You are Goddess/God/Satan.
Thank you so much for writing.
sairakanzaki chapter 2 . 6/22
T.T i literally cried T.T

I hope you'll find the acceptance and peacefulness in your heart. Please comeback again stronger and full of confidence!

Please! I'm begging you update soon

Humble this ungrateful reader of yours of your wonderful story update.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21
Thank you
N0dusT0llens chapter 2 . 6/21
Well, finding this story did make me rethink a lot of things about Ace.

My chest is heavy just thinking about what will cause this, Ace forgot to return the book and therefore someone from the crew will find it and fill the hole that caused all this. It means that someone is probably going to follow him and that will cause Ace to believe more in the syndrome which can trigger more things like Ace trying to escape the Whitebeards or trying to commit suicide. This crack will never heal in your heart, regardless of whether it goes away or not, because there will always be uncertainty.

After all Ace's dream changed by entering this crew. Dangerous, absolutely dangerous what follows. Ace is going to have murkier thoughts, I'm sure he will even feel good being away but the anxiety will eat him up from having to report and that sort of thing. My dramatic mind believes this story will end badly for Ace, which would be painful but I would love it at the same time.
Cheeky-Chick1only chapter 2 . 6/20
you can't just leave it like that! and that little tease bit about him forgetting to return the book! marco is going to find that and I can only hope he reads it to all of the commanders and whitebeard and they all realize why my poor pyromaniac cinnamon roll is so conflicted. update soon!
Frostyfall chapter 2 . 6/20
Wow! This was super introspective and awesome! I wasnt sure how your were gonna deal w his doubts but you did it really well! Super graceful and dramatic and well written! Ace is so confused and i loved the little details you put in when he was leaving. Like that tugged on the heartstrings ngl okay thank you so much for an update i really enjoyed it and good luck w your job!
frappyrouge123 chapter 2 . 6/20
OK OK OK OMG i have so many thoughts about this chapter there's no way im gonna find enough words to express them. summary: HOLY SHIT IM SO IN LOVE WITH THIS CONCEPT IM GONNA CRY.

Honestly Sabo is so smart, leaving is the best thing Ace can do to sort out his confusion. OMG I RLLY WANNA SEE HOW EVERYONE REACTS TO HIS DISAPPEARANCE AAA.

I noticed Ace when he would voice his thoughts he would keep switching between thinking their concern and worry for him to be to real to be made up, but the next second he would think how good they are at faking it... it really shows how conflicted Ace is with his emotions. I don't think the book really caused him to feel all this, rather i think it was the instigator that played and touched every insecurity Ace had head-on. These thoughts of being a burden or being insignificant to the crew have always been with Ace, i think the book just further amplified them. Ace can no longer differentiate between what is real and what is not real when it comes to the crew, im glad to see that Ace was mature enough to realize that even if he was making a big deal out of nothing, it was still unhealthy for him to live with these doubts, as well as it goes against his beliefs of living with no regrets.

Marco in my opinion was a tad too harsh on Ace, but I think that's because Marco was afraid in that moment. I think he noticed a certain shift in Ace, how he was different, and especially after finding out that Ace doesn't trust them as much as Marco believed family should. I feel like Marco lashed out because he holds trust highest amongst everything else when it comes to family, and the thought that Ace didn't trust them kind of...created a divide between them. I FELT SO SAD BECAUSE AS YOU SAID IT I LITERALLY FELT THE ABYSS THAT SEPERATED ACE AND MARCO IN THAT MOMENT. GAAAAH MY EMOTIONS. My feelings regarding how Marco handled things with Ace is CONFLICTING. Like i understand why he would be angry but...He could have been more empathetic towards Ace, especially since, well, Ace is a kid and prone to misunderstandings, but alas Marco is still human and he probably felt really hurt by Ace's behaviour, which of course is understandable.

omg the whole Sabo interaction (albeit made up i have no doubts that this would be exactly what Sabo would say) I WAS IN AWWWWW WHAT. I LOVE HOW SABO IS STILL WITH ACE EVEN AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I think Sabo here was Ace's voice of reason, just like he always was to Ace back when he was still alive, or ahem, "alive". He was everything Ace NEEDED to hear. Not gonna lie for a second i thought someone would come up and hear him talking to himself like a crazy person, and then promptly check him into the infirmary. imagine if it had been Marco xDD

But honestly Ace is so strong to make this decision, and I hope his brothers understand his choice. I love whitebeard for not even questioning his choice, but still firm enough to make sure Ace doesn't endanger himself. I also love the implication that even if Ace were to leave he would still always be a son to whitebeard. I just. Love Whitebeard. Can he be my dad too? Ace im jealous

ohohohohoho the book he hadn't returned. Someone is gonna find it and piece everything together, im calling it from now hehehe

can i hug you? you literally make my whole week with each of your updates. i literally look forward everyday for the scheduled time you always tend to update in, which where I live is between 8pm-9pm. They've become my favourite time of every day lol. So here, imagine a big warm hug from me as thanks!

I could talk forever about my thoughts on this chapter but this has already been long enough, and surely you have more important things to do than read my ridiculously long rant about this XD This chapter had me feel sad, excited, had my heart beating so fast, and then slow down at some calm scenes. Thank you for this beautiful chapter, and ill wait for more. I wish you the best on your full time job, can't say I won't miss you if you're gone for long, but of course i understand why.

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