Reviews for Forged in Fire
ObsidianPheonix26 chapter 10 . 10/12
Oh crap. I hope the gig isn't up.
DesertMortician chapter 8 . 9/15
Now in the interest of being honest I typically hate duel bender stories as they are usually not written or handled very well. This story thus far has been a notable exception as it feels like an actual episode of Avatar and you can tell that whatever fire bending ability she may posses, it is either a talent that she hates or is one that she has hidden out of shame. I am fascinated to see where this goes and how it will tie in to the main story line. I can only imagine the innate talent that she may possess for the art of Lava bending in particular. I hope you update soon

Janey-Paininator chapter 8 . 9/6
Wait, what is happening? I really am enjoying this story.
Janey-Paininator chapter 7 . 8/31
I'm so happy you updated!
Naomikitty chapter 6 . 7/22
This story is amazing and full of emotion. I love your character and would love to read more. Please write more soon.
Ivy chapter 1 . 7/15
Love Kitsu's and zuko's dynamic, such a cool story!
TracingLies chapter 1 . 7/12
This is well written! I love your oc! She's the perfect amount of intriguing but also available to the reader.
Kiyuuni chapter 6 . 6/5
Refreshing! I like the way this started out. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/26
Holy cow this is good. Thanks for writing this
Janey-Paininator chapter 6 . 5/27
I have to say, I really enjoyed your story. I liked how you wrote Zuko. Iroh, and Azula. also, I really like your oc Kitsu. I can't wait for the next chapter and to see more into Kitsu background as a bender.
min chapter 5 . 4/9
cant wait for next update! soo good!
Queen62010 chapter 4 . 4/2
I love this! Keep it up!
HogwartsGraduate chapter 4 . 3/29
I finished reading all four chapters and they’re really good! Zuko being awkward around girls will always be a catalyst for trouble lol. Poor Kitsu though. She’s been alone for so long it must be hard to have your world change especially when you have to leave your home by force. Looking forward to the next chapter! Excited to see what comes next!