Reviews for Harry Potter and the Rise of the Second British Empire
Vampirelord101 chapter 6 . 6/8
Loving the story so far, but there needs to be more connections to the Harry Potter core material beyond just having characters with HP names. Maybe add in a supernatural element, not necessarily Magic Powers but something like Beasts, Demons or something else that just brings a bit closer to the original material.

PS. This would in fact be the Third British Empire.

-The First was the British American Colonial Empire that ended with the Revolution.

-The Second(The Empire that takes up the majority of British Imperial History) was the empire that focused on the other continents Africa, Asia and Oceania. Its also the same empire that untied the desperate Indian nations into the Raj, globally enforced the Pax Britannica after Trafalgar and fought in both World Wars.
ElMarquis chapter 6 . 6/4
Lakenheath is US military. Transport would have been other bases like Brize Norton. If you go to Sandhurst then you're an officer caded and graduate as a Lieutenant, not a private.
tpowe15 chapter 5 . 5/21
Great story! Please update soon!
Albionia chapter 5 . 3/29
Great chapter, Thank You.
A Random Earthian chapter 5 . 3/29
This looks like an interesting story, quite different from the classic HP world. I can't wait to see what you will do with this.
scorpius97 chapter 4 . 3/3
I am curious how this fanfic is going to be continued
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
Nah fam. Take your ass out of the HP universe and go somewhere else. Using the names to get looks on your shitty story that has nothing to do with HP or real history
JWOHPfan chapter 4 . 1/25
No offense but it really sucks that you skipped over so much! I was looking forward to Harry and Fleur’s growing relationship as it blossomed, but you stomped all over that ! Not sure I want to continue reading if that’s your style.
Albionia chapter 3 . 1/25
Beautiful wedding! Great chapter, and great story.
TotoAvalos chapter 1 . 1/25
I like the idea I will follow the story
keller.blair1 chapter 1 . 1/25
You need a better plot also you do realize without magic Harry is nothing
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
I like this story a lot already!
Guest Nr 1 chapter 1 . 1/22
Looks interesting and like the start of a good story. Wonder if you could sneak in other HP characters like McGonagall as Harry's teacher. Just an idea.
Now, there is one thing that I think you should change. Early in the chapter you wrote that James is a veteran of the First World War but the math does not allow this. In order to be able to fight even in the last year of the war, 1918, James would have to been born in 1900, making him 18 years old, unless there are different age rules in the UK of when he could join, but that would mean that he and Lily became parents to Harry when they were 60 years old. Not possible as far as I know, not without magic but you took it out of the story.(Not something I have a problem with in this case.) You can have James a veteran of World War 2 as then he and Lily will be in their mid 30s when Harry was born.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/22
Get a beta. Not a bad plot but needs work.
coilingdragon chapter 2 . 1/24
huh, that note at the end kinda completely shifts what state the world is in then after the conclusion of the second world war, want to see how that develops. did operation downfall occur? how far did the soviets get in the east. then that leads into what exactly is stopping the cold war from escalating from proxy wars into yet another cold war.
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