Reviews for Concession to Love
Guest chapter 5 . 4/5
Someday the next chapter will come out - I can feel it!
nitro9 chapter 5 . 2/10
A bit of a whirlwind, curious where you will take this. Thanks for writing!
LouiseKurylo chapter 5 . 2/9
Grim turn of events. Why would Haibach kidnap her and then release her? (It seems unlikely she could have simply escaped if she is catatonic.) Sexual assault - by Haibach? Ugh. His desires seemed more focused on female children. Looking forward to more. Thanks.
Azucar chapter 5 . 2/6
Thank you for writing! Horrible news about Teresa but glad to hear her friends are around her to help solve this hurtful crime towards her person. Looking forward to more!
Munkeyfump20 chapter 5 . 2/5
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I can't wait for the next chapters. Please keep them coming.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 4 . 1/8
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I cannot wait for the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the very good read. Please keep them coming. I would also like to wish you a Happy New Year.
LouiseKurylo chapter 4 . 1/6
Surprised at the last sentence, but it's a good thing since they had very little to go on. (Abbott still seems too accommodating - Jane and Abbott haven't really had time to ease into a congenial working relationship. But then Abbott and Cho did work together long enough for Abbott, perhaps to respect and like Cho and, by extension, give Jane running room with Cho, so that works.)

Looking forward to how Lisbon was found, her condition, and her reunion with Jane.
LouiseKurylo chapter 3 . 1/5
Jane is believably desperate. I'm surprised Abbott is so accommodating given that Jane just changed his mind about working for the FBI. Perhaps Abbott recognizes that Lisbon's demise would end any chance of Jane being useful to the FBI (aside from Abbott's professional commitment to protect). Onward to apprehension and rescue ... somehow.
mcgoni67 chapter 1 . 1/4
To Louisekurylo and Munkeyfump20: Thanks for reading. for some reason, I cannot reply to you individually. I do so appreciate your feedback.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 3 . 1/4
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I will look forward to the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming. I would like to wish you a Happy New Year.
LouiseKurylo chapter 2 . 1/4
Intense action scene. It's a great argument in favor of stronger prisons, longer terms ... except he never was convicted of anything through the CBI. (Huh!) He was just sucked into a dangerous game played by even more dangerous men, that inadvertently transformed him into into a violent one as well. Looking forward to more.
Munkeyfump20 chapter 2 . 1/3
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I will look forward to the next instalments and links. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming. And Happy New Year to you.
LouiseKurylo chapter 1 . 1/2
Interesting alternative way for detention to unfold. Had Lisbon really hinted that she was not only willing to partner with him again, but perhaps wanted something more, that could have changed Jane's mind. OTOH, Jane is a poor candidate to toe the line under thereat of being thrown back into prison and immunity from crimes revoked. OTOH, if the FBI wants Jane to work for them it has a decade's worth of CBI cases to see how Jane works. Abbott's threat might have little practical force since it's the FBI who wanted Jane to work for the organization.

Looking forward to more. Thanks.
elliraha chapter 1 . 1/1
Nice start
Munkeyfump20 chapter 1 . 1/1
Wow thanks for the very good read as always. I will look forward to the next instalments and links.. Thanks again for the read. Please keep them coming. And a Happy New Year to you.