Reviews for A Date With Prince Ali
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 2 . 4/1
Oh wow! That's how of a big deal Marinette's date with Prince Ali was. Lila Rossi got her just desserts, and Adrien's attempts to get her redeemed falls flat on its face.
SakuraKoi chapter 2 . 3/30
geekqueen2010 chapter 1 . 3/3
Nothing like the possibilty of Marinette becoming a princess one day to show Lila that the universe is giving her a big middle finger for all of the negative karma she made.
Mirage chapter 1 . 2/23
That was a real cute Story and Pairing, an how he did try t woe her as secret admirer_ hope there will be a second part to this Story and more stories like this
even when im still a hughe Luka x Marinette fan but who know maybe a bit more older Prince in threeome with luka and marinette in the future, by you;)

and as you write about Felix why not try Felix and marinette too? when he is older

Lila was atleast called out on one lie and they may not trust her fully after this

i really did not see this Pairing bevor there should be more
sailorlyoko4life chapter 1 . 2/15
This was an interesting pairing. I really didn't expect it but wasn't disappointed either. Good job!

Also, you might want to re-edit this one, it has alot of his/her mistakes and at the end you said nino twice and i think you meant lila. Just letting you know.
Zak saturday 1 chapter 1 . 2/10
Sequel please or update soon
SakuraKoi chapter 1 . 1/16
so good
The Forgotten Guardian chapter 1 . 1/14
I love mysteries! Knives Out is AMAZING!
If you want to see more mystery shows watch Case Closed (dubbed)/ Detective Conan (subbed) it's an anime (Warning it it long) with a new mystery every episode. Mostly murder but there are some kidnappings, theft, and game jobs. It's always fun to see if you can catch the culprit before the reveal. It's funny, serious, and a drama all wrapped into one.

Sorry I'm rambling bye
aaapplexxx237 chapter 1 . 1/4
Never really considered Prince Ali a love candidate, but they really do match.
Saffron Gales chapter 1 . 12/31/2019
Is there more plaese say yes
The Keeper of Worlds chapter 1 . 12/8/2019
duskrider chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
Nice touch now that I think of it you are completely right they fit as a nice pairing yet this is the first I have heard about it.
Kitty Noire chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
I don't think that anyone has ever thought of that...congrats on being the first!
Can't wait for the next chapter!
OmniUIShaggyOverexaggerated chapter 1 . 12/7/2019
Yes! About time we got a Marinette x Ali pairing aka Mali/Arinette shipping.