Reviews for The Untold Story Of Lyra Loud
jeremiahkelley93 chapter 9 . 2/6
great story.
Starlord Master chapter 9 . 1/29
What a thrilling conclusion.
ROCuevas chapter 9 . 1/1
Quite a tale. Good work dude.
Jamesdean5842 chapter 9 . 1/1
Wow! This was awesome and gruesomely horrific! But Lyra was a monster!
Engineer1869 chapter 9 . 12/23/2019
Well it a good think that no one was killed but I am surprised that the long term consequences of their injuries were far less sever than I would have thought.

I have rather mixed feelings about Lyra punishment, personally I would have ended the story with her completing her punishment and being allowed into heaven. At least her punishment is relativity human and she will get to go to heaven. You do realize that if Lyra had to spend time in hell, there is a very good chance that Lisa will also have to spend time there as well.

Congratulations on finishing the story. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
GennaiArakida-XIV chapter 9 . 12/23/2019
Well, two lessons...Never trust Lisa, and sometimes its better to let the pain go than to hold onto it forever like Lyra did. It's amazing what revenge can do to a spirit.

I actually enjoyed this, though harsh lessons were learned for the Louds, they now know the truth. And they will take steps to make sure that nothing like what happened to them happens to anyone else, I'm sure.
cabgrant chapter 8 . 12/16/2019
Since Leni, Luna, Lana and Lily hadn't treated Lyra badly while she was alive, then her spirit should have allowed them to escape the Thanksgiving attack.
ROCuevas chapter 8 . 12/16/2019
Hot damn... quite brutal.
Engineer1869 chapter 8 . 12/16/2019
That was horrific. At least Lyra allowed Albert, Myrtle, Sam, bobby and his children to leave.

I don't think Lynn Sr is going to survive and there is a very good chance that Lana and Luna will bleed to death medical attention (Even if they do survive they are definitely going to be crippled for life). Rita and the rest of her daughters might survive their injuries but are likely to face lifelong debilitating injuries. Also there is a good chance Lori lost her unborn child.

Anyway at least Lincoln was able to talk down Lyra. I can't blame the police for shooting Lincoln of sight. Someone probably called the police and didn't tell them about Lyra and since the Lincoln was the only one unharmed and holding the knife they thought he was the perpetrator.

I'm not sure where Lisa is but she better not cover this up like she did last time.
That Engineer chapter 8 . 12/16/2019
Well that doesn't make much sense. So all this stuff happened because of a ghost, and Lincoln is the one getting shot to death?
ROCuevas chapter 7 . 12/9/2019
Oh shit.
Engineer1869 chapter 7 . 12/9/2019
Well Lisa was able to help Lynn Jr., Lola, and Lucy have made some progress towards healing. Although Lynn is still paralyzed for life, Lucy needs hearing aids, and Lola is still disfigured. Personally I don't think they're healed enough for the family to not turn Lisa over to the police.

I'm surprised the rest of the family wasn't told before thanksgiving but I suppose it makes it easier for the situation to be explained with everyone else gathered in one location. Even if it kind of ruins the mood for thanksgiving. I can't blame Luna or the rest of the older sisters for getting upset as Luna points out that Lisa did this once she could have done it again. Looks like Lisa is going to be the black sheep of the family for the foreseeable future. And Myrtle is right that Albert does need to have a talked with his daughter and son in law. However I have one minor nitpicks: Lincoln left out that being erased out of existence definitely contributed to Lyra wanting revenge on everyone.

Well Lyra back for revenge. There's no way anyone's getting out of this completely unscathed and at least one person is probably going to be serious hurt if not killed.
Guest chapter 5 . 12/9/2019
Wow. This is sad...I mean for Lisa. She lives in a horrible it any wonder she is a 'psychotic maniac' like so many people say she is? (I don't think she is btw). This whole scenario in the story clearly happened when she was 4 years old. Which means, she had the fearful emotions of a 4 year old. Just because she is mature educationally, doesn't mean she is mature in other areas. Just put yourself in her shoes for a minute (I know she's a fictional character, but just hear me out), you are a toddler who is put in the position of being around a terrifying and violent sister, aka Lyra. Then add in the fact that you have the smarts to protect yourself from not only physical harm, but familial disappointment. I'm pretty sure any flawed person would try to take advantage of the genius they possessed if they had Lisa's level of intelligence. In addition, I never saw her parents try to actually correct her in the series. Like in one of the episodes, Lisa mentions cloning one of her twin sisters and Rita actually encourages it by saying : "You can talk about cloning your siblings later sweetie." So if the fandom should be blaming anyone about Lisa's less than moral behavior in the show, they should be blaming the parents, not the innocent four year old. It just breaks my heart when people torture Lisa in fanfiction like this...I mean...choking her? Attempting to kill her? Ok I may not be crazy about Lincoln, but this fanfiction portrays the white haired boy in a very inaccurate way. Sure he may get irritated with Lisa, but I don't think he would physically try to hurt her. Plus...they should've called the police on Lincoln in this fic; it was attempted murder. In short, Lisa was a four year old with obvious mental and emotional issues that developed overtime until she turned 11 and no one in her family acknowledged that in this fic. No one helped her, no one stood up for her, no one offered any type of emotional support...its just sad. But anyway, that's just how I feel. I just love Lisa's character so much, and I can't help but stick up for her you know? You would probably do that for your favorite character too
P.S. Sorry if I got a little dramatic there, no hard feelings fellow Loud fans reading! I hope you have a great day
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