Reviews for I Am Not Your Gladiator
Fencer22 chapter 3 . 12/16/2019
Color me curious I suppose.
rwbybomb21 chapter 3 . 11/4/2019
A little disappointed in the shortness of the chapter, and a little bit worried with how 'sociable' Taylor's being, but aside from those issues the story's going good so far. I junk your chapter need to be a little longer though, because I finished reading all three chapters one after the other in about fifteen minutes tops.
DD chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Does not seem worth to continue.
SeanHicks4 chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Interesting take so far. I’m a little lost with how you brought Taylor into Remnant, but it still is in the world building phase
Djibrel chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Good work. We really need more Worm X RWBY crossovers. I hope for longer chapters, though.
ccstat chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Wait, what? We're at the start of canon? I definitely misinterpreted chapter two. I was convinced that the two "tourists" she met on the elevator were Mercury and Emerald, which would mean that we were in season 3, getting close to some major actions. With that assumption, I thought Ozpin was recruiting her as an alternative Maiden candidate to replace Pyrrha, and that we would be escalating directly into Taylor vs Cinder and company.

Don't get me wrong, I'm still interested in seeing where this story goes. Taylor's arrival her is substantially different than any other Worm/RWBY cross I've seen, and we've successfully skipped past all of her introduction to Remnant. There's plenty to keep my interest. I just can't help feeling disappointed that this chapter undercut my expectations.

Did you intend to make that couple look like our favorite henching duo? Are there more divergences here than just Taylor? Or was it a coincidence that just happened to get my hopes up?
RESTIA chapter 2 . 10/28/2019
EDIT: well, it seems that the summary have answered my question of where this Taylor come from, but my latter point still stands. This Taylor have not made any mention of Earth Bet and her experiences, so the only mention of Worm in this story is the character name "Taylor".
RESTIA chapter 3 . 10/28/2019
Hope we get answers to whether this Taylor is a reincarnation or dimension travelor or whatnot/whether she remembers Earth Bet soon. All this time and there haven;t been a single mention of Worm except "Taylor".
yukicrewger2 chapter 3 . 10/27/2019
with her Escalation following her, I take it Taylor's semblance is basically, the longer the fight goes on, the stronger her attacks and defenses are, with only time being her semblance's real weakness because it slowly drains aura when in use
FerunaLutelou chapter 3 . 10/27/2019
Why so short?
ElDragonRojoX chapter 3 . 10/27/2019
OK so Weiss knows Taylor, I want to think that along with her gladiatorial past will be addressed later, chapters seem too short for my taste and I still get the feeling that some things where skipped, does Taylor remember all of her past life, or some bits of it? Was she aware of who she was since the beginning or did she start remembering recently?
sonic chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
I liked the chapter!
wowow2264 chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
Promising start, I look forward to how you continue.
Lendary chapter 1 . 10/21/2019
This character doesn't seem like Taylor to me. She seems way too open with her emotions, and too inexperienced and nervous in her interaction with Ozpin. She keeps stating her guesses to Ozpin outright to try and preempt him, whereas Taylor dealt with conversations like this by mostly staying passive and disaffected, giving away very little while trying to seem like she knew more than she did.

I also couldn't see Taylor reacting with a wince to the video footage. And she definitely wouldn't try to avoid eye contact with Ozpin. That's like How Not To Show Weakness basics as far as she's concerned, even before she met Bitch.

She honestly comes off more like your average 16 year old runaway than 16 year old Taylor Hebert. Never mind 30 year old Taylor Hebert.
ElDragonRojoX chapter 2 . 10/21/2019
It end a little too abruptly, feels like there was more to the conversation before it ended, now I'm more curious of her past and how she'll be going forward, will she be part of one of the canon teams or form an original team?
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