Reviews for The Son of a Marauder
Guest chapter 7 . 6/21
Love this so much! Made my day. Please update!
stevem1 chapter 7 . 5/12
This is pretty good. A bit of a daytime soap opera story line, which is interesting.
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 7 . 4/26
Oooo, can't wait to see what happens next! Good luck with the next chapter. Thank you for writing
Guest chapter 7 . 4/25
Thank you for updating your story is great
Guest chapter 5 . 4/25
Well, I liked the story. Very well written and insightful.
On a side note, I'm always amazed that most authors don't get or approve of how inhumane the Azkaban prison of JKR is. It's an highly offensive place where people are stripped of even their last shred of dignity and thoughts. And she wrote that for kids and made it look like a fitting punisment! In par with a concentration camp, Rowling dear. Worse may be.
Nobody deserves that even in an Idiocracy like Wizarding Brittain.
The so called Golden Trio -such good people, right?- doesn't seem offended by it. Shame! Sorry for the rant, but as much as I like fiction, this disgust me. Anyway, Kudos!
geekymom chapter 7 . 4/24
Terrific chapter!
THGHPTVD.2 chapter 6 . 4/18
Ohhh, getting exciting! I can't wait to see what happens next! I'm really looking forward to it, as I have really enjoyed reading your story so far. Good luck with the next chapter, and thank you for writing.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/29
Good chapter thank you for updating
geekymom chapter 6 . 2/28
Brilliant chapter!
agnar chapter 1 . 2/28
right, don't care if draco is actually the son of remus, he was still a bigoted little blood purist death eater who committed more than enough crimes to earn life in azkaban by the end of sixth year. So hermione/draco is disgusting.
Guest chapter 6 . 2/28
Intriguing story. Unusual in a very good way. Narcissa is a very interesting, ambiguous character I like to read about. Not a big fan of the Marauders -Bullies, cowards -4 vs 1?- wannabe murderer like dear Sirius, and traitor in their midst , Hello Peter... What a bunch! If I remember well, they didn't want Remus as Secret Keeper bc he was a dark creature. With friends like that... I like Remus BTW. Nice bloke.
Good job. I enjoyed the read.
Chester99 chapter 6 . 2/27
I had to laugh when Harry said the Ministry was safe. Harry, of all people, knows that's a lie! Which is most likely why he's having Hermione stay with Draco. I'm betting that Draco won't be to upset about knowing that Lucius isn't his father. In fact he'll probably be relived. It'll also keep him safe from Lucius as he won't be able to track him using blood. Not sure how he'll feel about Remus being his father. One things for sure he won't be the same as he was before the war. That definitely would have changed him. BTW, is Annabelle with Narcissa? I can't wait for the Black sisters to be reunited.

What are other pairings are there for this story besides Dramione? I'm guessing Harry and Hermione aren't spending to much time with the Weasleys? I can't see them being happy with Harry and Hermione helping out Narcissa and Draco.
dysfunctionaldilusion chapter 6 . 2/27
I love this story so much. I can’t wait to see how it continues! Great work!
geekymom chapter 5 . 2/27
Terrific chapter!
quack-quack21 chapter 5 . 2/25
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