Reviews for Sonic and the Seven Shadows
Shaddy's chapter 3 . 5/30
Eres la mejor escritora tus historias son muy buenas me encanta, y también amo como insiste las personalidades de shadow
AAphrodite chapter 3 . 4/27
And again, another great story coming to a pause-

SunSera chapter 1 . 4/15
O My God! This story is hilarious!

I love the part when Egghead have to work together with Sonic to get the other Shadows, because it’s his fault and dealing with one Shadow is bad enough!

Seeing everyone involved with the other Shadows is fun and uncanny! But hilarious, I can’t stop laughing!
Laughter is the best medicine!

I wonder how all the Shadows react with Sonic!
It’s been a fun read so far! It’s great to take a break from drama!

I’ll properly review for each chapter next time!
Due to the situation of the world because of the virus,
I hope you stay safe! And good luck!
Guest chapter 3 . 3/25
This is so so good. Thank you so much for writing something so great!
Writingiscoolbeans220 chapter 3 . 1/30
Flu? Does Cyan Shadow mean-
Fortune Spirit chapter 3 . 1/24
Well, I do believe that Shadow just lost his job...
Also, I love the exclamation of "The SKYYYY!" out of nowhere - that bit killed me, especially with Knuckles' reaction.
Brilliant work, I'll still be keeping an eye on this, for sure!
DragonsAreCool962 chapter 3 . 1/24
Oml Red needs a chill pill XD
Guest chapter 2 . 12/2/2019
Cyan Shadow is giving off some sonadow fusion vibe.
Man, this can be fun. Especially if someone would pry stuff from fractured pieces that normally wouldn’t come to light from the original~for now though great read, wishing all luck
Kenneth Hyrule chapter 2 . 11/2/2019
and now...we wait
Linz2 chapter 2 . 10/29/2019
D’aww, that part with purple shadow was pretty sweet. I was a bit surprised to see white shadow and tails didn’t actually get along. Then again, I suppose I can see where W.S.’s attitude comes from, Shadow’s always been needlessly mysterious… and we love him all the same for it. I like the reference to Sonic Boom in Tails’ weapon, too.
Linz2 chapter 1 . 10/29/2019
The world is doomed
CatCharm chapter 2 . 10/10/2019
Oooh this is the cutest thing you have ever written lol I love how it's based off of that one Teen titans go episode XD
GeminiMercedes chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
This is so entertaining and I’m loving it so far. Cyan Shadow is my favourite, he reminds me of Silver (not sure if you were going for that). I can’t wait for the next update, keep up the great work!
Fortune Spirit chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
Ooooo, this is fantastic actually. So far, you're doing much better than others I've read - keep it up (though, I already know you will)! Can't wait for the next chapter of this.
FaithMcKoy chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
I really want one of them to be clueless and the other to be loveable.
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