Reviews for Self insertion into DxD Remix Discontinued
NazgulBelserion chapter 6 . 4/26
Meh this story was crappiest one I've read from you mc is too damn emotional and hostile kind of a turn off
ManticoreBlues chapter 6 . 10/18/2019
love the fanfic
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 10/8/2019
CaffinatedDragon chapter 1 . 10/7/2019
If you don't like it, don't read it.


Why the hell are you taking it out on him? If you don't like it so much why are you even reading this?

The stupidity of people makes me want to stab them sometimes.
Emrys Akayuki chapter 4 . 10/7/2019
Dude, you gotta get better at explaining things not from dxd. Not everyone has seen everything, nobody knows what the fuck or who the fuck anyone is. I'm not google searching for a fan fiction.

And your oc is weirdly confidant for someone with no abilities or skills and is kind of an antagonistic dick that's been dropped into a death world. Surprised he hasn't killed himself yet.
Emrys Akayuki chapter 2 . 10/7/2019
You're* like pretty much every time.
FrozenNeko chapter 6 . 10/6/2019
Just discovered this. One word.
Its fun to read but also not too fun that it loses any sense of seriousness and becomes to boring, so nice blend.
Also u playing shadowkeep? If so you thinking of using the new exotics and weapons from it or are you just using your favorite weapons? (What about armor from Destiny? U gonna use those?)
Kla Zark chapter 3 . 10/6/2019
Test test
HalflingRunner chapter 6 . 10/6/2019
Big oof
look2019 chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
Good Chapter!
robocoaster chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
"It can't get any worse than this..." He says hoping to jinx him into meeting Tiamat
Blake Tourdner chapter 6 . 10/5/2019
So he runs into an actual CuntAsaurus Rex eh
CrappyIdiots chapter 5 . 9/16/2019
I demand Blake Belladona with tails! You know a complete set of animal features. Since I'm degenerate person I don't care just give all the Rwby Faunus characters a complete set of animal traits.
Sleepmat10 chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
Man, overreacting much?
It feels like theres just not enough chapters going around these days, anyways can you at least give me the details of your plan of what you intend to work for in this fic because it sure would be helpful to get an understanding of what's different from other fics, other than there being no (devil/si).

Main character is great cause he acts normally, though a bit type of person that doesnt really pay attention to his environment and surroundings, as well as a weird type of overreacting person that jumps to conclusions way too much and think things too much into things.

Overall good story though wish you could answer some of these questions and mine.
Take care.
HalflingRunner chapter 5 . 8/18/2019
I’m just hearing the troll song in the background of rimurus mind
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