Reviews for Twin Eyes
Guest chapter 2 . 7/25
fucking shit
joshuafoster36 chapter 4 . 2/6
first of all if you make a time travel Fick don't send the villian from the future to the past that erases the whole point of the story
TheWateringWizard chapter 4 . 8/18/2019
I’m sorry but I’ll stop reading here... Kushina and Hizashi still being alive makes zero sense and is impossible.

But the past Kurama telling Naruto to kill the other Naruto and him or else he’ll kill past Naruto is really funny.

Anyway good luck with your story
TheWateringWizard chapter 3 . 8/16/2019
Honestly I’m disappointed. You’re gonna tell me that the little useless cunt that is Kabuto will be the one to understand the seal that took ages for Naruto and Kurama to make ?! Well it mustn’t have been that complicated in the first place... I’m disappointed because it seems like Madara and Kabuto won’t struggle at all to unravel the seal which was apparently an Earth-breaking thing. And pray tell me how will Madara activate it ?

Also taking Kabuto with him ? I don’t know how you plan to write him but he’s NOT a strong fighter.
TheWateringWizard chapter 2 . 8/16/2019
Nooo why did Naruto not think of including a failsafe in the seal ?! Now that blasted Madara might follow through !
TheWateringWizard chapter 1 . 8/16/2019
I thought Naruto was gonna replace the past Naruto but it seems like there’s gonna be two of them simultaneously
Phoenixx Rising chapter 4 . 8/15/2019
Man, this is getting so good!
Guest chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
In the naruto universe i think its called ryo instead of yen or dollars
Sasusakulover chapter 4 . 8/8/2019
Amazing story!
Can' t wait to read more of your ideas LOL
I hope you are well and that you can update soon! ; )
The Royal Mage chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
Oh man...can't wait for younger Naruto to find out Memna IS him. If younger Naruto gets KCM Mode or even somehow SPSM then I bet him and Menma could beat Madara.
DeltaPower chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
Like the longer chapters even if it mean waiting longer for a update.
Time Parad0x chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
So what again is the point of this story ?

I mean our time-traveling Naruto despite having a Rinnegan and a Tenseigan lost so bad against a Madara that he had to flee through time to even have a fighting chance against him. And no said Madara who single handidly destroyed the world is coming after him in a time where Naruto counterpart is a 12 year old genin, but Madara on the other hand still has Akatsuki around is accompanied by a future Kabuto with a Tenseigan and mastery of the Edo-Tensei combined with all his other assets he is stronger than ever, worst of all the time-traveling idiot doesnt even know he is being followed ...

Which means pretty much that everything aside from Madara winning in a decisive way in short order is completly unrealisitc aside from Madara holding the world biggest idiot ball ...
s/4041754/1/Time-and-Again you know this fic ?
in it it was just Orochimaru who followed after Naruto and the world got utterly wrecked ... imagine what Madara would do ...
sorry but i cant see a story with such a stacked deck against the good guys is ever gonna be an intresting read, because either they are gonna loose really bad, or as i said before the bad guys must turn out to be too incompetent to tie their shoe laces ... and non of those prospects are gonna entertain me.

Which brings me to the next point Why ?
Why even increase the strenght of the Protagonist if you do the same with the Antagonist, it essentially doesnt change anything aside from them being even more OP, the scale is still balanced as it was prior to this.
Why handicap the Hero even more ? if Obito would have really tried to be succesfull he could have kidnap Naruto out of his crib at any point in time the same with pretty much any Jinchuriki .. they just had to use what abilities they already possessed ...
Naruto in canon was already fighting against unsourmantable odds and you turned them up to eleven and even destroyed any knowledge of future events Naruto had simply because Madara is now back and strong as he is he can just walk in every single Shinobi village and take their Jinchuriki there is no one able to stop him ... remember future Naruto couldnt !

So pointless ...
barut12717 chapter 3 . 8/7/2019
nice but pleace not return to past madara and kabuto this is bad idea
Zabzab chapter 2 . 8/7/2019
Madara will now find a way to go back in time, which defeats the purpose of time travel in the first place. What even for? To fight the battles he has already won and win them again? This is entirely too artificial. When you send a character back in time to defeat antagonist A, you kill antagonist A quickly and you introduce a new menace. It's not complicated, it's called "the Cell arc" in DBZ!

And it makes no sense. How would Madara meet Kaguya in the first place? Ridiculous.
Guest chapter 4 . 8/7/2019
please another chapter
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