Reviews for A Ninja in Time
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 2 . 4/23
Yup loving the Fluff feels like a 4 koma
Dragon Blaze-X chapter 1 . 4/23
I am going to love this Floof stuff dude. Also Hope things get better for you man your one of the better writers who doesn't come off asshole like to anyone. It be the Cursiafiction of fanfic writers if we lost ya.
Lokyloco chapter 2 . 4/7
Awww this was adorable, this was a nice read and i'll wait patiently until your next update... Will the hat kid ever stop dancing so smugly?! we might never know.
FallLucifer chapter 2 . 4/6
I like this story, just got into a hat in time not long ago when a friend recommend it to me, and it's good to see a story like this come along :D
Guest chapter 2 . 4/5
Absolutamente hermoso
Es muy relajante leer este tipo de historias.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/1
You are a reminder of why humanity really needs to fucking die horribly.
Guest chapter 2 . 3/31
Is a boy’s journey ever going to get updated?
Guest chapter 2 . 3/31
Despicable dipshit fuck nuggets like you are unwanted and you really need to die you goddamn Gary Stu nazi bitch boy.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/31
Kurai Bi chapter 2 . 3/30
(I copy and pasted so you can see that no matter what story it is, you’re better than them) Bro like the flamers are more than likely one person who gots nothing better to do then fuck around with one person with more worth (aka you my dawg) than they could muster and are probably pathetic irl and online, so like please don’t let them get to you an ruin your drive that you have to write because some of us take joy in the stories that you produce and bring genuine laughs and I absolutely fucking love your stories no matter how short they are cuz you bring them to life in a different perspective than canon and other fanfics
Guest chapter 2 . 3/30
Would you kindly shut up and go fucking kill yourself you Gary Stu fuckboy piece of shit?
Hail Lord Archanfel chapter 2 . 3/30
I’ve never heard of this game and I’m already having fun.
WeAreVenom5 chapter 2 . 3/30
I forget I actually actually enjoyed this little gem.
Dreams of NoBody chapter 2 . 3/30
Havent read this one. Like at all no idea which famdom this is. But I like what you write so here I am.
Dont have much to go on about this chapter but if like to read the part about "Dancing Intensifies" very very much.
rick12 chapter 2 . 3/30
Now this is awesome. I can't wait for more laughs, as this was quite a funny treat. Great interlude as ever, NeonZangetsu.
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