Reviews for A Long Way From Budapest
Keira-House M.D chapter 1 . 2/17
This was a beautiful and wonderful fix-it. I loved the way you wrote everyone, especially Clint and Nat.
TheNaggingCube chapter 1 . 1/15
Okay so I am a bad bad person, stealing 30 minutes to read another FF of yours. Oh so cool, so believable and wonderful.

Why they did not seek each other out... *sob* utterly them.

Did you write a Gamora returns one?
Flickerflame8 chapter 1 . 11/20/2019
Cool alternate way of saving Natasha. I've read so many fanfics which have her automatically returning when the Soul Stone is returned (which I don't personally think would work - the sacrifice is like payment for the ability to use it, and returning it doesn't mean that it wasn't used), so it was great to come across a new idea here. I liked the callback to Helen Cho. And I really liked the comparison of her technology to being reborn.

One thing I did disagree with though was the idea of there being so many other sacrificed souls within the Stone. I just assumed that Natasha and Gamora would be the only ones. The Stone's location was pretty secret (otherwise Thanos wouldn't have needed to force Gamora to lead him to it), and I'm sure a lot wouldn't be willing to pay the price, or maybe just wouldn't have anyone/the right person with them.
xBBx chapter 1 . 7/16/2019
This is fantastic. I love it! You did good.
Thanks for sharing!
Genelle chapter 1 . 6/21/2019
Loved this, I've read this twice!
fiesa chapter 1 . 6/19/2019
You write the best fix-its I know.

You are absolutely right about the soul stone, there's a lot that it does not explain and even more that is not explained about it. That Nazi guardian thing - I didn't get it. And of course, why can the stone be passed on if it's not on Vormir, but to get it you have to sacrifice a loved one? There might be more explanations for those plot holes, but I really, really like yours. Not least because of what you make.

I always loved the Widow/Hawkeye pairing. When Laura was introduced I was thrown, because - now? What? You made her a part of their family, and with this, you've made her a part of Clint, too. In a way that might be similar to his relationship to Laura, and might not be, but it is no less important, and no less strong. The fact that Laura welcomes her as family just strengthens their bond. I equally love your other hypotheses - that they can sense each other, so Nat knew where Clint was the entire time after Thanos first snap. And that he knew where she was, but neither of them wanted to be together like that when everyone else was lost. That Nat is a part of Clint that Laura cannot be, but that still, they are equal, and none of them is less important than the other. And that's how it's always going to be.

The others had their parts, too. I'm glad I got this glimpse at Bruce, Rhodey, Sam, Scott, Shuri, T'challa and others. Just seeing them again - hearing what they are up to, after Thanos was defeated, that they learned to cope, that some of them are still fighting to cope - was perfect. I especially loved Gamorra and her conviction that the Guardians would find her, and also the fact that she sends her love to Peter and all the other idiots. She has a special place in my heart, and I hope I'll meet her again one day.

Thank you. For sharing this story here, for allowing this short glimpse into a bright future, and for making my day so much better.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
I read this as a excellent soulmate (of the platonic kind) fic. Thanks for sharing your fix-it
hrhleia chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
I love it. THANK YOU.
Qweb chapter 1 . 6/17/2019
Beautiful story and absolutely unique. I haven’t seen any others like this.
JRBarton chapter 1 . 6/16/2019
I'm glad this amazing story finally is seeing the light of day. Great job as always my friend xoxoxoxoxoxoxo