Reviews for Living in the Future
Lost in Day Dreams chapter 7 . 8/6/2019
My friend, this was indeed one of your finest works. The whole series has been incredibly enjoyable, really, and I think taking it in this direction where Reba deals with such a complex philosophical dilemma (while reading I kept thinking about how I would handle knowing anything about my future and answer is probably not well, lol!) was an incredibly fascinating way to continue the series. I also just love in general how much of a wonderfully complex and fantastic new world you were able to weave around these beloved characters; you were able to simultaneously keep them true to their original personalities and spirits while helping them grow into more complex characters at the same time, its highly impressive and makes for one incredibly enjoyable read. My only complaint is that now I'm terribly sad that I reached the end of it because I never really wanted to. Lol! Thanks so much for writing for us again and I hope to maybe see more from you here in the future! :)
Boris Yeltsin chapter 1 . 5/16/2019
Love it, even if I don't think I read the other stories in this series.