Reviews for The One Where Colonel Forster Took Another Cup Of Coffee
M.S.Carol chapter 1 . 9/28
That was sweet with some longing
Guest chapter 5 . 6/13
Levenez chapter 5 . 5/3
Fun story of variations around a theme. I think you did really well in finding the alternatives and how it could be. The 5th one is special. I like the ones where they are both broken (3rd and 5th if I remember well). Thank you
MAC Nicholls chapter 4 . 2/24
This isn’t complete! Disappointing to the extreme
MelodieMlb chapter 5 . 2/15
Great! Thank you so much for your stories. I've enjoyed all of them.
MelodieMlb chapter 4 . 2/15
Superb. Thank You.
MelodieMlb chapter 2 . 2/15
This is wonderful. I love your writing. I've bought both your books. Please write more!
Colleen S chapter 2 . 2/14
That was more like it!
Colleen S chapter 1 . 2/14
Lizzie should have invited Darcy to Gracechurch Street!
purplediane chapter 5 . 1/4
Option 4 was very nice, but I definitely like option 5 best, though I think the second passionate declaration was already done, but not in actual WORDS. :-)
Queen Hady chapter 1 . 1/1
Nice first chapter
Anahia chapter 5 . 12/3/2019
So adorable! It was lovely!
nnga chapter 4 . 10/24/2019
excellent! I love this chapter.
Levenez chapter 4 . 9/24/2019
Sweet series of variations in this what if universe!
Thank you
Witch with the Cat chapter 5 . 9/7/2019
Oh my... AMAZING!
So, what I mean is every chapter is fantastic, truly. Though the third scandalous option is my least favorite I think. And the discussion between Mr. Bennet was so well done! However the fifth option...! I want, no I NEED to know the rest! Before and after and even more after!
I love it!
Thank you for the time and talent and, of course, the fic!
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